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Hello ! I love your pack so much ! I would like to create a RPG fantasy game. It's possible to create a fantasy pack ? Same as modern but medieval ?

Thx ^^ 

Are this pack and the interior one OK to use with 16x32px character?

(1 edit)

Yup the characters from Modern Interiors are dedicated to work with Modern Interiors and Modern Exteriors.

Sorry, but I didn’t ask that. I mean I want to place my own 16x32px character. As I see, the characters in Interiors set are 16x24px. So I wondered if the 16x32px one looks big


The characters are meant to be sliced 16x32, some blank space is left at the top for accessories like hats which need more space. Hope this answers your question.

Thanks for clarifying!

(1 edit)

Someone get this guy on a commercial project, now.

Work on some monster taming particular reason *insidious smirk*


This is awesome! Good job! Just purchased. I will for sure credit!

(2 edits) (+3)

Okay I'm throwing this comment on here because this is really high up in the "Top Sellers" section and there's a lot of people checking it out, and some of those will potentially want to use it in RPG Maker.

I wanna just say that I use RPG Maker MZ, but I'm also proficient in Unity so I'll be aiming to use these tiles in both settings. If you're thinking of using it in RPG Maker MV or MZ, this is what you need to know:

RPG Maker Lets you add custom tilesets which are 16x16 tiles wide. The author of this map has kindly chopped the tilesets into around 131 tilesheets which are 768 x 768 pixels, which is 16 x 16 tiles at 48x48 pixels per tile. This means you can import them, set them in your database and you're basically good to go.

Problem: There's 131 sheets, and you can only add around 4. (B,C,D,E. Okay, you could do something quirky with the A5 layer but still). In addition, there are 2 A2 sheets in here (floor autotiles) and you can only use one. 

There are, for example, 6 sheets which include cars, an theyre mostly filed by colour - meaning that if you want to use a blue car and a purple car, you need to use two of your sheets. What this means is, if you want to use these in RPG Maker, you're going to have to be super selective when you set up the maps. You're going to have choose the 4 sheets that best suit the map, and you're going to need to exclusively use these (unless you want to use Parallax mapping, but if you did you wouldn't be reading this).

You have a few options. You can try and sort the sheets by "type", put all the beach tiles in one place, all the park tiles in another, but if you do this you're still going to run over the 4 sheets in a lot of examples. You can therefore be super selective, split your map into multiple maps if it needs multiple tile types and jump your character between them. That works, but it bunches together the tile types quite a lot.

The alternative is to make your own sheets - you can do this using GIMP, which is free, by setting the grid to 48x48 and getting things to snap to the grid. You make the canvas 768x768 and you try to jam as many assets into the sheets as you can, stealing from all the sheets. A lot of the tilesets are inefficiently packaged, with a lot of blank space. You can therefore jam stuff in the gaps, move it around, and generally make your own sheet. It's doable, but its annoying.

If the creator wanted to help us out, they could repackage it slightly, try to use the space more efficiently, and put more varied assets on each sheet. I, for example, didn't need most of the assets on Tileset_4, its all street signs and realistically I only need 2 or 3 of them. This isn't throwing shade at LimeZu though, these are damn good assets and its not really their job to do our work for us.

I've also purchased the Interior pack, those are really well packaged for RPG Maker and are sorted by theme in a way that is really great. I suspect the same could be done for these, and if I ever get round to doing it for myself I'll send them to LimeZu. For the time being though, I'm just going to cherry pick what I want for each area and make my own sheets in GIMP.

Hope this helps someone :) Obviously if there's something I don't know and its possible to use 100 tilesheets in one map type, please correct me, but as far as I'm aware its not possible.

Thanks for the breakdown stefo! Unfortunately, as you said, rpg maker has strict limitations and this is asset is huge soooo it'll be very hard to use all the resouces without playing around with external plug-ins and such!

Thanks so much for the detailed comment! I'm sure this'll help out many people.

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