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Hi! I wanted to buy this set for $ 1.5, but after entering the card data, this window just disappears, where you need to enter and that's it. Does not allow you to pay. If I'm Russian and the account is in rubles, maybe it doesn't work because of this?

It just didn't even write any error, that's all. No matter how many times I try


This is an insane amount of assets. Can't wait to try them out.

Thanks berrb! <3 


Character Generator comes with 12 GB 'resources.assets' file & 1 GB 'sharedassets0.assets' file.

Are they supposed to be so huge?


Hello back to you, Character Generator developer here! The character generator is so big because it contains all pieces of every character, which includes the body, eyes, outfits, hairstyles, and accessoires, as well as the 32x32 and 48x48 versions along with the standard 16x16 version, most other character generators don't include the actual sprites and require you to import them yourself which is why they're smaller, hope this helped!

I have a question about the asset's license. Do you have to register the license somewhere, or it is the license you define by your own. Just curious about how license work. Thanks.

(1 edit)

I'm not an expert when it comes to licenses but as far as I know once you buy Modern Interiors you have that license and can do anything the license allows you to without any other steps necessary

Any easy way or tip to import this in a Unity Project?

Hi Eros!

Using the single files folders should save a lot of time in Unity! Btw feel free to join the discord server where there are many unity devs you can ask feedback and such <3

I cannot find a license for paying $1.50 for the full version. Is a license included in the download? I did find the license for the free version in the free asset folder. 

There is indeed a license file included within the paid version of Modern Interiors, however you can also see the license within this page under the license section, but I'll also paste it here so you can read it:

Complete version LICENSE (paying at least 1.50$): YOU CAN:

- Edit and use the asset in any commercial or non commercial project  -Use the asset in any commercial  or non commercial project


- Resell or distribute the asset to others

- Edit and resell the asset to others


- Credits required (this link)

any change u can add flower pods to this pack?

(1 edit)

Hi can i use this in godot engine?


Yes! Not creator here, but you can pretty easily use these in Godot. Just grab the files, put them in your project folder (you probably want to change the Import settings to 2D Pixel preset so that they don't import all blurry) and then create a TileSet node in your project and start blocking out and adding collisions etc to what you want to.

I haven't tried it out yet, but I have heard there are many improvements to the tile editor in Godot 4 also! I plan to try it out next month.

Hi, it should be totally possible, many have already used the asset in Godot!
Sorry for the super late reply 

Hello can i use this in Construct 3?

This looks great! Are the characters 8 direction?

I am pretty sure that the characters are only 4 direction.

Hi! I absolutely love your assets and I just bought this one. I know you are already finished updating this but can I ask how can I make a braid hairstyle? Thank you so much


Cool! Ima make a scratch game with it. It'll be epic!


Such beautiful art! With this being on sale I took it as a go-ahead to treat myself, and wow, all of the art is so clean and nice! Thank you so much for this pack!


Amazing sprites, looks great, but the RPG Maker sheets are definitely not set up correctly .  Still more than worth it, but you can't just import like it says in the description

Yes I am having that issue. I just started with RPG maker and I thought there was something wrong with my imports. So how do you fix the tilesets not being proper for RPG maker?

I'm also having an issue with it. Wondering if I'm missing something


I just want to say to the dev "Thank you". This is the most complete and constantly updated asset in the whole The price is very affordable and the quality is top tier.

Art is gorgeous, one of the best purchases I made here.  ❤️

Do you take custom sprite commissions? Requests for pay, of course 

Took 20 Minutes just to import... 10/10 would buy again

This is really amazing... I am hoping for an 8 direction characters in the future ❤️❤️


i don't know how to get the tilesets to work and scale properly, can someone please help

Just purchased, great work Limezu! been following you for years!


Can you fix the character generator sheets not being divisible by 16? Nice sprites btw

You are the GOAT, thanks for such great assets, just purchased this and the exteriors, thanks a lot!


Thank you for creating this asset pack Limezu. We ended up using part of it in our Co-op cooking game on Steam. The game is called Bone's Cafe.



(1 edit)

Hello can i make a police station with this ?

Hi, great work. A bug on files folders.

The imgs in Modern_Interiors_v41.2\Modern_Interiors\1_Interiors\32x32\Theme_Sorter_Singles_32x32\5_Classroom_and_Library_Singles_32x32

are the music ones and not the library one as in : Modern_Interiors_v41.2\Modern_Interiors\1_Interiors\32x32\Theme_Sorter_Singles_Shadowless_32x32\5_Classroom_and_Library_Singles_Shadowless_32x32

I just bought at 60 percent discount. Will I get the full license  that can be use on commercial project?


Hello! How do I import the character sprite sheets that I made from the character generator tool by chkfung? I mean, I have no trouble arranging the sprites myself, but I just wanted to see if there was already a way to do that without manual arrangements.

(3 edits) (+1)

It's a really nice assets pack but not all tile sets is setup corectly the 48x48 dimensions. When sliced 1-2 pixels of the neighboring tiles can be seen. This makes some weird floating pixels and lines between tiles.


Can you please update the character sprite atlas's so that they are divisible by 16? Currently they are 927x656 for the 16x16 atlas which is one pixel short of being evenly divisible by 16. If they were 928x656 it would be perfect. I absolutely love your art!

I need help

I used the RPG maker MV to import the wall images and didn't see it when I tested the game. Do I need to change my images?

(1 edit)


Just kidding. But why is this the only tile that breaks the shading pattern?

Edit: OH NO! I cannot un-see it! :'(

I think it's so that you have shaded tiles

i'm having a little trouble making the autotile work properly with the 'room builders walls' and 'room builder floors' sheets, do you have any advice? it keeps drawing from other parts of the sheet that clearly don't match, placing wall corners where the floor should be.


Hey, I love the assets! I have some issue with the interior sprite sheet. it doesn't seem to follow a grid. Do I have to manually slice everything?


Same here! Looking for guidance

is there any way I can additional sprite animation and have it work generator tool?


Hi , I'm really interested in only the Character Generator and not the tilesets , is there any way I could get like a free version of it or something like that ? Thank you

(2 edits) (+23)

Dude it's a $1.50 show him some respect


hi! this is a really cute free tileset so thank u sm! :D

i can't seem to figure out how to import it into my game though. :(

i know how to add a new tileset but im not sure what files to add. when i add the "Interiors_free_48x48.png" it only shows part of the interior options. i dont know how to cut the image to the right size or howd i even do that.  (im using rpg maker mv btw)

i watched tutorials and started some rpg maker mv projects so i kinda know what im doing but i still feel like a noob ;_;

This tile set seems so complete, I can barely believe it's free! Sorry for donating, I would if I had money, but I don't have any currently, so thank you a lot for letting people download it for free!

Hi, the No.5 folder about the classroom in Theme_Sorter_Singles_32x32 is totally the same as the No.6 folder about the music room, it happens also in 48*48 version, hope you can fix this soon, tks!

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