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Hi! I'm having trouble using the 16x16 "Complete_Tileset" file on GameMaker, I lay down the tiles but when I run the game the quality gets absolutely destroyed, do I have to configure it in any special way?

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I had this too, with other tilesets - I think you need to increase your texture page limit size for the project (or re-work your tileset sprites to be smaller / chop them up / re-arrange the tiles), if it's too large, otherwise GMS downscales internally, then supplies the assets at double/triple/ etc size...

The upshot of this is that yep, pixel art looks crap, with huge amounts of missing detail that's simply removed (ie. up to 75% lost, if GMS halves resolution in both directions!)...  :(

Anyway, I did this, and they appear perfectly for me...  :)
If your target platform (mobile etc) doesn't safely support the required size, you'll deffo have to cut your tilesets up or re-jig them...

Maybe @limezu can do this for an update?  :)

Apologies since this is old, but it might help other people. If you increase the texture page too high with GMS2, then it can cause crashes on some devices (in my experience). I've found it easier to just manually move the sprites to a lower sprite width and keep the lower texture page limit. For example, 

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This pack has been an absolute life saver, however I have one issue, I feel I am just being dumb but for the life of me I just can't figure it out, I'm trying to add vehicles to my game, I'm starting with adding a bus, when I try to slice it I can't figure out what parameters to use, the forward and back facing sprites are very close together where as the left and right facing sprites are more spread apart, making it very difficult to slice since I can't just slice it by grid by cell size (I'm using unity btw), I feel I may just be being dumb but everything else in this asset pack has been really easy to slice for the most part, the vehicles are the only one that seems to have issues, some help would be much appreciated!

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Hi LimeZu! In the future are you going to make assets of buildings like hospital and police station?


If you're ever bored, I'm looking for a bike for the characters in this sprite style :D

me too ahaha

Bikes would be a great addition, pedal bikes would be nice but motor bikes would be even better. Super bikes and dirt bikes.


Question, is there any way to access all previous download versions? I've been deleting the old and replacing it with the new as they're released and realized I don't have the early bird/exclusive tiles anymore and I can't figure out how to download them again.

Great assets! Excuse me, i wanna ask a question, if i use it in godot engine, what assets should i use? Can i use the Complete Tileset directly? Or should i pack those single tiles by sth like texture packer and use it individually? Thank you very much! :)

I've found the tile system in Godot to be lacking, so I use an external tile editor called Tiled ( I then used this plugin to import the map into Godot.

Sounds good to me, thanks!

godot has its own built-in TileMap editor, but it sucks, at least in 3.x

Oh shite these ones are awesome! :D


Hi Limezu, I love what you've done so far! I was wondering if it would be possible to include certain versions of tiles without the grass texture underneath, as the grass I'm using in my game is from a different resource. I understand if not, thanks!

realy god art!

Hi LimeZu thank you for answering my question. Its realy nice that you answer al the questions we write. I think you should make a Youtube channel with Pixel art Tutorials because i love your art. It wil make me realy happy if you make some skyscrapers or a mall or a BIG company building! But please dont forgot thats just a idea. And a last thing can you please make the Houses a litle bit biger. That was all the tings i would say Godbye.


Hi LimeZu! I'm really falling in love with your all Modern series, and looking forward to your updates is now the vitality of the day. Thanking you for your efforts in these wonderful works, I would like to ask you a question. 

As "Modern Exteriors" progressed, I was also looking forward to indoor tiles that were not in the existing "Modern Interiors." (e.g. inside a gas station or indoor items at a camping site)

Is there a possibility that the interior tileset of the exterior landscapes added in the Modern Exterior will be added again later as a "Modern Interiors" or other set?

This is just a question for you as a big fan, so I hope you don't feel pressured by this question. Always looking forward to new updates. Thank you again!

I really love all the "Modern" Tilesets! I personally use it for my RPG Maker project and it fits quite well. Had to change the formatting here and there, but even the complex animations work well in RPG Maker with the right plugins.

Looking forward to more Daily Updates! I'd personally love more houses/house types :)

Just out of curiosity, what animation plugins are You using?

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Two MZ plugins, VisuStella Events and Movement Core (free) and VisuStella Animated Pictures (costs 3 USD).

Animated Pictures allows for...well, animated pictures, and the Events and Movement Core allows you to bind animated pictures to events.

Hey, a question.

It is in mind to create mountains and small crags. Perhaps for people who want to create landscapes outside the city? Sorry my bad english

I love your art so much, I was wondering if I bought this, 

Can I use it in my commercial board game?

(2 edits) (+1)

First off, thank you so much LimeZu once again for all your hard work on your tile set series: they are amazing.

Now I am trying to combine the modern interiors and exteriors sets.
When going through a door, I'm hiding the layer where the rooftops are.
And it kind of works, but there are some issues. See this image (sorry, for some reason doesn't let me embed pictures)

The "wall tops" in the red and blue circles are not aligned with the roof tops and so they still show when the roof top is visible.

Am I just making a mistake ?
Or are the interior and exterior tile sets are not supposed to be used together like this ?

Hi feral! Unfortunately I've never designed Modern Exteriors facades and Modern Interiors walls to be aligned!
The way they are intended to be used is the classic one, like in Pokemon games and such, so you can't see the inside from the outisde and vice versa!
Btw, if there's  something I can do, let me know! :)

Ah, that's ok. I thought that might be the case.

They almost align though, so I will try to play some more with them and maybe will edit some of them to fit my game style. Maybe it will even be a good exercise for me to learn some pixel art skills :-P

Don't worry and keep up the awesome work on the exteriors !


I'm not sure if you're a fan of Rick and Morty or not but I added a Rick and Morty easter egg in my game I'm making with your graphics. I made Rick himself by editing some of your sprites too.


This Looks cool Prof, keep going! <3

hi i really love the assets but I think there might be a mistake with one corner of your grass assets. the corner does not align with the outside corners see the image.

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You are not using the correct tiles there.

Need to use these:


yes but then what about this one ? the bottom one would work but not the middle and top of the step


I'd say take the tile in the lower left corner and flip it horizontally.

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Thanks for the bug report guys, I'm checking and solving it in tomorrow's update <3


Cool Assets!!

Thanks Yahallo, I appreciate <3

Hi! Payment via cards has been blocked in my country, but I really want to buy your cool kits! Are there any other payment methods?

Where are you from?



Hi Sleepy, which payments method do you have?

DonationAlerts, or, if you want, I can transfer money to your steam wallet and you will buy yourself some interesting game for $ 3! :D

Hey,  do you have DonationAlerts?

Sorry Sleepy, I forgot to reply! I don't have any of them unfortunately! It's not a big deal for 3$, I'm more than happy to gift you them ;) 
write me your email address or you twitter nickname and I'll hit you up!


These are still looking great! Am I allowed to use these in something like Unity Engine? I'm asking because I'm taking an online course to try to learn how to code in Unity Engine so I can move on from RPG Maker.


Sure prof, you are allowed to use the asset in any engine! And good luck with your transition, it's a great choice ;)

thanks so much

Youre amazing


please ad more cars i wil make a big game and i need it


Oh gosh, I second Zoo, and or aquarium, and or music venue and or stadium and or museum as a big set. I absolutely adore these and it makes me excited to try digital rpg storytelling through rpgm again.

I do hope to continue seeing amazing work from you!

Hi @LimeZu, thanks for the great work!

A small question: I use RMMV, but in the archive the RMMV folder does not contain all the tiles, e.g. I can't find the sloped roof houses. Should I just take them from the 48x48/Singles folder and manually put on the canvas?

Do you may have a tutorial how to use the cars (with animations) in rpgMaker (MZ)? 
I tried a little it but can´t get it to work.... 


I'm having the same issue but in unity lol


Just another idea to throw out there. . . how about a zoo setting? That would give you the opportunity to add many different kind of animals (big cats, monkeys, etc) as well as different vegetation from around the world.


Hey LimeZu, I really like this pack. 

The folders state '16x16', '32x32', etc, but when I've looked at the 32x32 Exteriors Singles, a lot of them are bigger than 32x32 which leaves me confused.

Hi MyThirdParty, thanks for supporting <3
The "16x16", "32x32" and "64x64" wordings are the tile size on which the sprites are based, not the size of the sprites themselves! 

In many game engines you can set a "tilesize" or something like that, here is where you set 16,32 or 48 based on your preference!

Hope this helped, in case I'm here ;) 

I see, thanks for that explanation, I look forward to buying more


This is so cool, but where can I access early bird stuff? I can't find it, even though I bought it 115 days ago.

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Thanks kae! The Early Birds stuff is here!


Thank you! I was looking for them in the other folders. Your work is amazing!

Thanks kae <33


Awesome content. Thanks for this fantastic artwork!!

You're welcome Wieldly, thanks for supporting! <3


Thank you for all the excellent content that you create

Thanks for your comment Vlak <3


Thanks for the amazing artwork!!!

I've noticed that you're going to draw farm stuffs soon, I'm so excited about it. 

Some classic stuffs that a farming game could use (like hoeing, watering, chopping stuffs, cute crops and animals etc) would be really really appreciated!


You are welcome Togem0n! I can't wait to be able to work on new assets while updating this one, but atm I'm still struggling with arm pain that's limiting my work time, it won't last forever tho since I'm taking care of it <3 


Take your time, also remember to take care of yourself!!!


Just like the interiors, one of the best art packs on itch! If you struggle with art (like me) this is a lifesaver. You are insane if you do not buy this!


Thanks for your kind words DaCreepy! <3


Hey LimeZu,

I was wondering what speed you used for the animated gifs between the frames?


Hi Miro, the frame speed is always 100 milliseconds unless there's something like an opened door where it's 500 milliseconds!


Woooow, and once again, you are absolutely fantastic! Congratulations and a big thank you for your art! Can I ask you if you plan to implement some kind of dog or other pets?

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi Devil, thanks for your comment!
I'm pretty sure many of my buyers use the engines you mentioned, the asset shouldn't be hard to import since it's based on a 16x16 grid! Talking about Unity, I think the best option is to import the single named files since they are already sliced! 

About your request, something like a school or a college is coming for sure at some point (not too far tho) ;)  

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A small request if/when you get around to making more characters, an alien. Something simple like a premade kid sized traditional green or grey. Or even better if you want to put in extra work, a whole set of alien-like pieces for the character builder.

Oh, and at some point, a bus?

Hi Munchmo! I'm adding the alien character to the list, I'm pretty sure I'll work again on the characters this year!
About the bus, it's coming, don't worry ehehe 

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Great job! I'm looking forward to the future


Thanks Zach, I appreciate it! <3


Do you plan anytime in the future to make a more farmy/country to go with the Serene Village Revamped or this?


Hi Gift! There's a high chance I'm gonna draw farm stuff here soon or later! :)


Just found this and read about the paypal error. Is the sale extended? I don't care for the price, but the early bird stuff (:

Hi Luna, I'll extend the Early Bird stuff and the overall sale for more time since there's this paypal issue! ;)

I tried to buy it, but i couldn't do it because of a paypal issue. The Error Message said that the creator can't accept  money via paypal.

This is really weird! I daily receive  payments via PayPal here mmmmmhhh
can you please post a screenshoot of the error?

 It's german , so I don't know if you can read it.

Selfmade Translation:

The Merchant can't accept the paypal-payment right now. Please try again or go back to your merchant and choose another payment method.

[Back to the Merchant]

I've just tried to buy a random asset and it gave me the same error!
Damn, so it's an error, we just have to wait then!

The paypal option is removed.

Incredible ahahaha I hope they will fix it soon! 

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