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I just bought this assets pack and it is just amazing. So much is in this pack for an extremly low price. Limezu you made an amazing job with this!

Thanks Cookie, I'll keep pushing! <3

Deleted 2 years ago

Seriously, this is the best pack I've ever seen, and it's only $1.50 :(


Thanks guys <333


Question: Can I use these to supplement a background in an animated short?

Sorry for the late reply! Yes, you are allowed to!


Just purchased, great work Limezu! been following you for years!


Hi Limezu, do you have a GUI pack for this?


Currently he does not be there may be one in the future 😉


It's coming quite soon gamebucket, and thanks for supporting! <3


Hi LimeZu

Can you please do a brickwall that can be used for all directions & corners?
I would highly appreciate it!

free tiles >:)

Hi Miro, I've updated the wall tiles a bunch of versions ago! :)


Are you adding any more new exclusive content from now until the 30th?

Hi Infalieve! That date only refers to the Recolor Collection! I'm adding the content to the pack almost daily! -> daily updates


Would it be possible to add bicycles?


Hi Mikumo! Bicyles will be added for sure, but integrating them into the Character Generator of Modern Interiors requires a lot of work, so they will added at first as static sprites + some pre-made characters riding them!

That's good to hear! I'm mostly interested in the static sprites without characters involved as this is an addition made for a park/shop scene. Would send screenshots of some work when it's done!


does this work for construct?


Hi Gamebucket! I'm not sure tho, but it should work if Construct is compatible with 16x16, 32x32 or 48x48 


Hello, I'm amazed by your work and I'm using it to our capstone project, it really help us a lot. And also I would like to suggest on your next update, add a school or other buildings. Thank you so much! 

Thanks Creep! I'm really glad you are using my assets in your project! <3 School will be added very soon!

Awesome, I'm looking forward to it. Thank you, stay safe!


I want to support you. So a Question: Can I purchase 5 Keys ?


Hi Kento, it's not possible to purchase gift keys here, but you can privately buy them tho if you send me an email! <3


Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks Vlakvarkie <3


I'm using this with Tiled for a top-down GTA-like and it's super useful, great work!


Thanks Mouldy, hope your project is going great! <3

This may have been asked a lot, but how does one import the tileset sheets correctly in RPG Maker MV? One some of the sheets, only half of the assets on the sheet is visible.

Import the tilesets into suitable slot. Custom tileset sheets with 768x768 px resolution should use BCDE slot.

I see. Well, now I'm having issues with the water and autotiles. For some of the sheets, I had to manually rearrange tiles so I can fit as much as I can  into a page due to the limited tileset slots. I may have to do the same thing to the autotiles. 


Best purchase ever, still waiting for the time for I get the guts to finish my game xD

Ahahahaha I'm sure you will make it <3

I do hope so <3


your work is LIFESAVING and makes all my projects go so smoothly!! i was wondering, do you have any interest in doing seasonal environments, like a snowy day or autumn leaves scattered around?


Amazing asset. I've had an idea for a game kicking around in my head for a while now,  and this asset seems perfect for it. Thank you so much!

Buenos días, alguien sabe si este pack y el de interiores funcionan en unity? No veo que diga si es compatible 

Hola, son solamente sprites, son compatibles con cualquier engine.

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Thank you for this wonderful art asset! It's given me something to play around with in my free-time and works perfectly with your interior pack. :)

Monsters of Seabrook


Can u please tell me where did you buy the UI game assets


Can u please tell me where did you buy the UI game assets




How does your movement look so smooth? is that a plugin? This looks awesome. 


It's GMS2, increased the speed of movement plus minor edits. If anything, it looks a little choppy due to the GIF-format. :')


Omg Brook this looks gorgeous! Let me know if you need any sprite to be added as daily update! <3

I'm so sorry for ignoring all the messagges here and there from you and the others... now that my hand is completely healed i'm fully operational again and way more mentally-stable ahahah

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@limezu i just wanted to ask what kind of color palette do you use, thx for the amazing work!

Sorry for the late reply, I've added it a palette file a while ago <3

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@limezu Hey! Just bought the pack! Though for some reasons the animated objects aren't working right? When I try to select a picture for an event, the selection bar thing is way too small? Like everything is way too big or something to put as an event.. is there something I'm doing wrong? I even tried using the 16x16 ones and they still can't fit. How do I fix this? 

Okay checked comments, I don't think anyone else is having this issue, and I haven't seen you reply to anyone either. I'm starting to panic.. how do I get the animations to work? Can someone please tell me?

Fellow dev here. The animations are working normally in GMS2. Which program are you using and are you using the gifs meant for animation from the download? Most programs have tutorials for how to use animated sprites on youtube.


I’m using RPG Maker MV. 😅

Also I don’t know.. the campfire animation doesn’t seem to fit, neither does the trampoline. I can try to find a picture to show you what I mean but I don’t have access to my computer right now.


Sorry I took so long! Here’s an example picture of the issue.


@limezu Absolutely amazing work. I recently bought this and the modern office revamped pack, and have been having an absolute ball with it :-D


Thanks omega, I'm so glad you are enjoying my content <3


Hi @limezu, thanks so much, as usual, for this great asset. One question - are you planning to eventually substitute Serene Village with art from this asset? Or will Serene Village continue (for outdoor 'village' settings) and this will only be for outdoor 'city' settings?

Thanks for the support Manta! Serene Village is very old, I consider it to be a separate asset at this point! Many Serene Village sprites have "revamped" versions here in the "Camping" theme <3

Am I missing something or does the "Complete_Tileset" file not contain the vertical cross walk?

For example, I am trying to make this (as shown in demo gif):

What bout a wanterfall and mountains to this camp? huh? =P 

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thank you so much!

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how do you edit this style character?



Thank you so much for the amazing packs you created!

I would like to ask you which 2D Game engine you can recommend to use with your tile sets? And which 2D engine you use to do all your previews?

Thanks in advance :)

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got 3 of your packs, ext,int and office, any chance of a train station added to this pack bro? amazing work btw


This is AMAZING!!! No wonder this is the top seller! :O


yo you used a mouse to make all of them or did you use a pen tablet ?


I see it says RPG Maker MZ supported, but none of the files are in the RPG Maker format from what I can see. Am I missing something? 

Hey LimeZu! 

Would it be possible if you make single sprite sheet for the new update after the construction site update?  Thank you for such an incredible asset pack

Hey LimeZu! Great work as always! The  amount of effort you put in this is just incredible.

The complete tileset png is turning out to be too big for loading, so would it be possible to have them split up into smaller chunks? That or could you tell me the specs you use while packing them so will repack the singles, epecially the padding used. Thanks!

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Hey LimeZu!

Do you think you could add a 16x16 theme sorted directory, just like in Modern Interiors? That would make it much more easier for us to use both together.

Thank you so much for your incredible assets, keep up the good work! ❤️

Your other package withs the 2000 assets also have this limitations?

Hi there!! Could you tell more about the limitations in MV/MZ? The object sprites like smoke or light or fire also have problems or just the characters?


Do you plan to add factories and other industry structures and object?

Hey everyone! Needing a bit of help with understanding how to make the tiles passable in Unity? The tiles are in the background however my character cant walk around....  Any tips?


Use Tilemap for background and foreground.

Use SpriteRenderer for any movable items and characters.

You can either use Animator or switch sprites in runtime to create walking animation, but remember to change x and y axis of gameobject transform according to the key input, so the character can actually move.

Hey LimeZu, just wanted to express appreciation for these awesome packs. I just put out an alpha of a game using these sprites and I think they look great. I hope you have a nice vacation and maybe with some rest the arm pain goes away a bit!

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