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(2 edits) (+2)

You're insane for making this and the Modern interiors set and continuing to update them free of charge. Absolute madman.

If I may make a suggestion, for something I actually haven't seen in many packs. 16x32 dead trees.


Thanks a lot Torch! <3
Great suggestion, atm there's only one dead tree (in the "Camping" theme), but I'm gonna make more for sure in the upcoming "Graveyard" theme!

Awesome! I'm looking forward to it!


hello might I ask can I use this assets on rpg maker MV?

Hi kaz, yes it's possible! Let me know if you need help with it

sorry for the very delay reply but how? or do u have any tutorials in it. thank u so much

Could you please put the above effect drawings TileMap made by yourself into the resource? I can't spell such a good effect by myself.


Hi LimeZu, I follow your every update and your work is amazing! I need a concert area/stage. I think it would also be nice to have one for the outdoor activities in the game. :) It could be a historical place or a modern one. I believe that you can manage a good one as always :D


Thanks a lot alpi! A concert stage is planned, I can't tell when but I'll surely make it before the 400th update (the finish line)

You are the best!! I am looking forward to it :)

Hi LimeZu. Thank you so much for creating this tileset. The artwork looks amazing and so many assets. Thank you a lot. But I am fairly new to this tileset and I am having trouble using the tilesets in RPGMaker MZ. Could you help me out on how to place the tilesets in the right order in the database?

"Floors_MV_TILESET_A2_2" & "Floors_MV_TILESET_A2" works just fine, but the rest isn't. I seem to be doing something wrong. :)

Hi LimeZu, I may have figured it out, I was placing the other tilesets still in autotiles. So I only have A2 populated for auto tiles. But what about A1, A3, A4 and A5?

(1 edit)

I need help, I'm not understanding how to place roads in Unity, can't find the roads actually


The theme "City_Terrains" contains the roads!

Here's the file route:


Hi, I bought your bundle but it seems that I can't customize the character swimming animation inside. Can you teach me how to customize swimming animations for other characters? Thank you

Hi shumta! Are you the one who asked the same on our discord server? I think so

(1 edit)
Yeah, thank god bro is still up here to reply my comments 😂

And please, support LimeZu via Patreon. It's well deserved!!!

Thanks a lot for the shoutout aleshq <33


Love your work. If I end up using this for a commercial card game or board game, is that okay? I would definitely want to credit you for the art. Just wasn't sure if these assets could only be used for video games. 

As per the license shown on this page and in the Read Me file you can use Modern Exteriors for commercial purposes as long as proper credit is given


Ok, I'm going to run with that unless I hear differently. Thanks LS2

Sure, what LS2 said is correct! You are allowed to use the asset in commercial games!


Thanks LimeZu!

You are welcome! <3


Amazing work I love all of this and huge inspiration for my work! Take care


Thanks a lot Peter! Keep up the flame!


It's hard to believe that there are so many types and excellent tiles at such a cheap price and with rapid updates. Salute to you! Take care of your body!

Thanks kksumu, I'll try to stay as healthy as possible! I have a different view than the other creators here, my only goal is to make something memorable without drawing money here and there!


Your idea is really unique and great! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

Thanks for the wishes! <3


Hi LimeZu, another idea for your asset could be dining places, cafes, and nice restaurants! Different cuisine variations would be great :)

Hi alpi! Dining places are on the list, and the only thing stopping me from making them is the fact that they would miss a matching interior! The plan is to make them in a separate asset with both the exterior and the interior stuff!


Hi, I love your art, will there be a church in the future ?

Hi arrosev! Church will be surely added in future updates!


Really awesome assets at such a cheap price!
I was wondering, are you planning to add a beach someday?


Thanks Kiki! Beach will be surely added in future <3


Thank you for making this! I love your style!


Thanks for supporting Dango! <3


only $2 but it's the best pack with me OMG!!!

Wow this looks great! any link where I can follow the development??


Heyy, AWESOME pack!

I'm wondering how can I use it in godot, or if you've some tutorial or something

Hi Poiio, any top-down Godot tutorial should be ok to import my assets!


I really love your content! Are you planning on adding versions of the new content that are formatted for RPG Maker?


Hey Beck, I update the rpgm files like once a month to save time, but they won't lack anything at the end!

gotcha, thanks for letting me know!


Hey man, what a great job, I'm delighted with your work. Any chance to add metro and railway trains?


and some bridges? :)


The subway is one of the next themes! Bridges will be added too for sure soon or later!

Your work is amazing!

But im relatively newbie in RPG maker MZ and im not sure how i can import the tilesets without getting the cells dispaired and crippled. Any tips? thanks for your time.

Hi south, there's a specific .zip for RPG Maker users where all the tilesets are ready to be used in the software!


Do you have any diagonal streets/roads?

Continue the amazing job.


Not yet abaiao, let me write that down so I don't forget


I had a question, I was wondering if there is any plan to offer characters with alternate movement methods? Such as wheelchairs, skateboards, rollerblades, etc.


A revamp of the Character system is in the pipeline and ye Wheelchairs are in the plan! The problem with something like skateboards is that I have to apply the change on each single piece (hairstyle, outfit etc.) so it's suuuuper time-consuming, but I'll take that into account!


I have a question about providing credit. Steam does not allow any websites that lead to paid items in the game, so I cannot link your actual itch io page. Instead, I can provide credit with the asset name and your name. Will this suffice?


It's ok, just googling the asset names will lead to my stuff, so don't worry!

Awesome, thank you so much for clarifying! 


Hi!!!! These are the assets of my dreams... are you planning on adding a school? I might just edit the hospital into one lol. Absolutely adorable work!


There's a school added already! :)

What Chain said is correct, but let me know if you were looking for more specific stuff!

I see! I was looking for a less western style school, as the game I'm making is set in Japan. The hospital is pretty close to what I'm looking for though, so! ^^


Hi, thanks for the hard work. I love this assets. You have any plans to make a metro and railway trains?


The subway is one of the next themes! <3

Hello, can I use this asset in a commercial project or game?

As the license says yes you can:

YOU CAN: - Edit and use the asset in any commercial  or non commercial project  -Use the asset in any commercial  or non commercial project
YOU CAN'T: - Resell or distribute the asset to others - Edit and resell the asset to others - - Credits required (this link)


Indeed, what Legendary said is correct!


@LimeZu, please add bunker, metro and railway trains


i Second this request! A subway would be rad.

Subway is one of the next themes! <3

Hey man where is the police officer outfit? I couldn't find it anywhere.

Deleted 104 days ago

Yes, everything regarding Characters is from Modern Interiors!

Hi, how i could use these assets in RPG maker MV? I mean, these are divided in auto-tile A1 to A5, plus B to E, like the originals tilesets from RPG maker, or i must re-arrange them to match the original ones?. Great work anyway!

(1 edit) (+3)

Hi neko, most of the tilesets are already arranged for the RPGM!


Oh, i'm sorry, i totally miss these files!!!. Well, thank you for pointing out!

Hi, i just started using rpg maker MV, do you know how to import these tiles? Because I have no clue how and the tutorials I'm finding aren't working

Well, i know that there are different type of tileset (A1, A2 etc.), and every tileset must adapt to this system; so, for example, tileset A1 must go with A1 type. To use external tileset you must import them in the Manage Resources sub-menu (Tools menu), and places them in the img/tileset category (where you will find the basic rpg maker MV's tileset); after that, you must go in the Database sub-menu (always in the Tools menu), and search for the Tileset menu; once there, you must "activate" the new tileset: you will see 6  tileset already activated (the RPG maker MV basic tilesets), so you must add more room for the extra tilesets; to do so, click the "modify maximum" button at the bottom, and set a number greater than "6"; for example, if you set the number to be "8", you will place 2 more tilesets; let's say that you want to add only one more tileset, so you choose "7"; you will see an empty seventh row in the tileset's list; click it, and name it in the right menu; then you will see, in this right menu, a sub-menu called IMAGES, with some letters and/or numbers (A1, A2, B etc.); if you click on the corresponding button, for example the A1 button, the system will open the IMG/tileset folder, where you placed the external tilesets; search for the "A1" tileset, click "ok"and you are done.  after that, create a scene, and in the scene menu, select the tileset you created (the seventh one), and you are done. Every external tileset created for RPG maker MV must adhere to this system, you will always see A1, A2, A3 (and so on) tileset's type, so you cannot be wrong. I hope it helps!.

This helped more than you know!! Thank you so much for your help and this detailed response, I truly appreciate it!!!


I wanted to there a firetruck somewhere in your awesome assets?


Hi fizzi, not yet but it's planned! <3

So cool! Can't wait for it :)

Hello! Can i register the rights of my game using your assets? Do you know how this works?

Hi Hamster, what would that imply?

The only requirements for Modern Exteriors (And any other of LimeZu's packs) are that you give proper credit to LimeZu linking to his page, any other legal stuff regarding your game shouldn't have anything to do with this asset pack


Amazing asset! Thank you very much for your work. It would be awesome to have if there is a concert hall or a museum (a historical building) in the city :)


Thanks alpi! <3 The museum is on the to-do list, I'll consider the concert hall too!

It would be also nice if you consider the nightlife in the city. For example, some cocktail bars, discos, etc. It would be great to have :)


Unbelievable value! I bought this and Modern Interiors for my game. Haven't even scratched the surface yet!

Would love to see an ice rink! My son would be tickled pink if I added a hockey rink to the game.


Thanks Init! <33 
I've added the hockey rink to the to-do list!


hello i love your works! I hope you can make another gate for school 🙏

Thanks Shay! <3 I'll consider that soon!

Just awesome!

Thanks dmsovetov! <3

Heyy, are you can make mountains?

prolly gonna do them in future updates! 

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi are you can you make a fire station please with fire trucks. A train station, train tracks, subway ect BTW awesome work I am impressed


Thanks fyr! All your suggestions are on the to-do-list, so you will see them soon or later <3



I am a big fan of your work and would like to make a game with your graphics. I am still a real beginner and therefore far from fit with all the tools you use. Therefore 2 small questions.


With which program do you paint your sample images from your tilemaps?


Is it possible to get your tilemaps also with your packages as single graphics.

Or would you please also offer them as single graphics?

Kind regards



Hey boby! Thanks for appreciating my work!

1- I use Aseprite both for drawing and for making the mockups
2- Ye sure, I'm gonna add the some mockup scenes as tilemaps in the next few days


Thank you very much!


can you make update for RPG Maker XP? i love this asset btw

Gonna adapt everything to those "old but gold" softwares when the asset will be finished, or at a fairly good stage! Thanks for your comment btw <3

Hello there! This is a lovely asset pack, thank you so much for all the hard work you put into it! Do you by chance have any plans to add farming stuff? Fruit tress, crops, etc?


Within the discord server is a list of planned assets which you can look through, however there does not seem to be anything relating to crops, there's some fast food/restaurant stuff but nothing to do with farming, feel free to join the Discord and suggest it tho

I second this request!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the request guys, I know farming stuff is in high demand, prolly gonna do a big daily updated pack about it in future!

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