Hi LimeZu, your asset is awesome. I would like to suggest some asset theme if you are in need of inspiration. For moment in game like entering final boss area, I think an animated tile like "light glowing under crack of terrain" could be good. This vfx effect can be placed above all exiting terrain tile in your asset. Thanks.
I made enough progress in my generation code to utilize more of your building and structure assets. The world is starting to feel more immersive, so I appreciate all the work you do. I'm also exciting about your current updates on the props, because I'm looking to fill the streets with them.
In this devlog, I started adding in more structures and props, making the world appear more believable:
Just a suggestion, maybe some snow themed additions would be good. For example a snow clothing, snow terrain, snow covered trees, cabins, maybe skiing, ski lifts. Overall this asset is amazing!
My English is not good, and I think the pricing is too low. You deserve more. If you don't increase the price, I suggest offering more bags, each priced separately. Can you make an animated frame of a fishing rod catching fish?
Small request. Could we please have an Arcade sign, similar to the bakery/butcher/etc? Also be willing to pay for a separate asset pack for an arcade, actually.
I purchased this but I can't get the animations to work in RPGmaker. Either it cycles to the wrong image, or it's static. How do you make the events work properly?
I finally made some meaningful progress: the city now generates completely randomly, and also infinitely. Now there's also trees, and cars - that you can interact with and loot from:
Would it be possible to add tiles for transitioning between streets and other terrains, like the beach?
Keep up the great work! Always looking forward to the new things you add
While I am making the gam I came across the problem of dead end streets and making a whole city.It feels like its very hard to make it look good.Thats my suggestion if you dislike dont worry,I will try to cook something with existing assets on my own.
Awesome assets bro,bought it a month ago and I am using them to create my dream game.I would just add,more character animations(swimming,climbing ladders...).I think it would give the game that final touch.It will fell so good to just swim in the pool for example.Just keep working on this asset pack,you are doing a great job.
Would love to see more wildlife, and more store types in the floor modular building sheets for example Hardware stores, Pharmacies. These could even just be store signs to place on a store front. More variety in the types and styles of home. including a trailer park section would be amazing. I would greatly appreciate more terrain tile shape options so that I could make terrain of any shape, for example a 46 tile vs the 21 tile set. I would also love for you to expand upon the already wonderful character system you have by adding even more skin tones,more facial hair options, hairstyles, the ability to use multiple accessories in your character maker program
Man, I'm totally interested in this pack, its graphics are simply stunning. What sucks is that I'm poor and there's no way my parents will let me use the card online. But one day, I will work to be able to pay them.
Your assets and style are so amazing, but can you help me with something. Im horrible at art and combining these assets to look nice, can you make more of these complete areas as prefab that i can just drag into my game. And also include the NPCs with walking animations and pathfining, because im making a game that will need all of those things and i just suck at doing it. I will pay for that of course, just name the price. Keep up the good work!
I have a question: I cannot find Subway_Tunnel_Neon_Light_2_48x48 and Subway_Tunnel_Neon_Light_48x48 as sprite sheets, I only find them as gifs. Can you add the sprite sheets? I like the neon lights and want to use them
Hey fantastic pixel art and truly unbeatable value! Is there any possibility of more variety's of buildings or at least a a way to autotile our own buildings? Would help add diversity to maps. Thanks!
How exactly do I use this in RPG Maker MZ? I read through the docs of RPG Maker MZ and also searched the web quite a bit (e.g. here or here) but I still don't get it. Any help is appreciated - the pixelart looks fantastic.
I would like to build a graphics engine based on your fantastic tile sets (Modern Exteriors, Modern Interiors, etc) in a twitch stream and in youtube videos. Is that alright for you? I would love to mention and honor you a lot for it (I love it!).
This asset pack is absolutely amazing! We have used a lot of bits from it at work, for a game we been working on at the time. The color palette, the contrast, the details, everything is beutifully done! :)
Same. I have been using Tiled and I got some of them sort of working but it's not perfect. Would love to hear the full proof way to do the terrain in tiled.
Hi. I like the art so much. Have bought for using in my learning. The problem is - if I try to import the whole tileset into Unity it takes ages to slice the set for using as pallete, and even after hours of processing, it takes the huge amount of time to open this pallete in order to use. My PC isn't that great, but still usable for almost everything I need in order to make 2D games.
Could someone please help me with understanding on how can I slice the tileset or import it into the unity so it works normal and not that laggy?
Hi there ! Love your assets, a lot ! I wondered if you were planning on adding buildings to the pack ? Like a veterinary clinic, coast guard building for the beach and maybe 5* restaurants ? :D
HI. Beautiful sprites. However I have a problem. I have RPG Maker MZ, and would like to import the complete tilesets into it. I saved the 48x48 format taken from your ME_Theme_Sorter_48x48 folder in the tileset folder with the names 1_Terrains_and_Fences_48x48.png, 2_... and so on. When I insert them between my tilesets (tabs B, C...), the selection squares match, but I lose many tileset elements.
I tried using the 32x32 and 16x16 but they are too small and the squares don't match. What should I do to have the tilesets in the right format to use them fully? I have to use other files you included in it
Once i find time i will have so much Fun with these tilesets! Thank you so much for putting so much effort into them! and will there be a Space Set with Ships at some Point?
My game's world size can now be endless, because I switch over to a chunk loading system. This is the start of my conversion, but I'm hoping to start adding your vehicles and other props into the world so that it can feel like a gigantic city:
Do you think it would be possible to add more city buildings?
Also, do you have a color palette that you use? I'm currently trying to do some re-colors, but it's looking a bit off.
I am new to this. (RPG Maker MZ) Bought all your Modern packs. Tried importing Modern Exteriors and realized I have no idea what I am doing. I understand the basics but every time I add a tile set I cant get rid of the transparency between two objects. If I put a street light on my map, the transparency around the object like the white and black checkers shows up. It also is importing the files in a really weird configuration. I am obviously just doing this wrong but if you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated. (Using the MZ file)
Lime! Your tilesets are amazing. Ive purchased this one as well as interiors, office, and UI, and I'm designing a game around them. I've found that designing levels/worlds is much harder than expected, even with tilesets. I've taken to using the example images on these pages as references. I'm wondering 1. if its OK with you to design areas that are very close to these examples youve created and 2. if you have a repository anywhere of more example using your tilesets that you'd be OK making available.
The construction files as well as a lot of things seem to be missing from the RPG maker versions of the files. There doesn't seem to be hardly any characters either (I have both interiors and exteriors) I do not have any firemen or construction workers either. I've checked the MV folder and went through file by file and cannot find them :/
Hi. How do I get acess to the updates? Where can I downloaded it? I've purchased the Exteriors and Interior content and was not able to find where I can get the new stuff.
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Hi LimeZu, your asset is awesome. I would like to suggest some asset theme if you are in need of inspiration. For moment in game like entering final boss area, I think an animated tile like "light glowing under crack of terrain" could be good. This vfx effect can be placed above all exiting terrain tile in your asset. Thanks.
I made enough progress in my generation code to utilize more of your building and structure assets. The world is starting to feel more immersive, so I appreciate all the work you do. I'm also exciting about your current updates on the props, because I'm looking to fill the streets with them.
In this devlog, I started adding in more structures and props, making the world appear more believable:
ce n'est pas utilisable avec tiled ?
Just a suggestion, maybe some snow themed additions would be good. For example a snow clothing, snow terrain, snow covered trees, cabins, maybe skiing, ski lifts. Overall this asset is amazing!
please consider making a newsstand asset _/\_
bamboos would also be nice _/\_
I would love to see bamboos also!
My English is not good, and I think the pricing is too low. You deserve more. If you don't increase the price, I suggest offering more bags, each priced separately. Can you make an animated frame of a fishing rod catching fish?
Small request. Could we please have an Arcade sign, similar to the bakery/butcher/etc?
Also be willing to pay for a separate asset pack for an arcade, actually.
Thanks for the sheets. I'm in love with them.
I purchased this but I can't get the animations to work in RPGmaker. Either it cycles to the wrong image, or it's static. How do you make the events work properly?
Yeah, I was wondering this as well!
I finally made some meaningful progress: the city now generates completely randomly, and also infinitely. Now there's also trees, and cars - that you can interact with and loot from:
Would it be possible to add tiles for transitioning between streets and other terrains, like the beach?Keep up the great work! Always looking forward to the new things you add
Will you add some sort of military base? With like tanks planes soldiers commanders etc?
That would be great.
While I am making the gam I came across the problem of dead end streets and making a whole city.It feels like its very hard to make it look good.Thats my suggestion if you dislike dont worry,I will try to cook something with existing assets on my own.
Are you up for a co-op bundle?
Itch.io Roaring Summer Bundle - itch.io
I'm sorry, but I'm not interested, good luck with the bundle anyways <3
Awesome assets bro,bought it a month ago and I am using them to create my dream game.I would just add,more character animations(swimming,climbing ladders...).I think it would give the game that final touch.It will fell so good to just swim in the pool for example.Just keep working on this asset pack,you are doing a great job.
Thanks Dashing! New character animations are planned <3
Suggestions for future updates or asset packs
Would love to see more wildlife, and more store types in the floor modular building sheets for example Hardware stores, Pharmacies. These could even just be store signs to place on a store front. More variety in the types and styles of home. including a trailer park section would be amazing. I would greatly appreciate more terrain tile shape options so that I could make terrain of any shape, for example a 46 tile vs the 21 tile set. I would also love for you to expand upon the already wonderful character system you have by adding even more skin tones,more facial hair options, hairstyles, the ability to use multiple accessories in your character maker program
Thanks for your helpful feedback Farmer, I'm noting everything down I'll seriously take yours suggestions into account for future updates <3
Man, I'm totally interested in this pack, its graphics are simply stunning. What sucks is that I'm poor and there's no way my parents will let me use the card online. But one day, I will work to be able to pay them.
great assets and very complete, but can you add bike/motorcycle.
Thank you very much for this assets.
Thanks cap, bikes are planned <3
Your assets and style are so amazing, but can you help me with something. Im horrible at art and combining these assets to look nice, can you make more of these complete areas as prefab that i can just drag into my game. And also include the NPCs with walking animations and pathfining, because im making a game that will need all of those things and i just suck at doing it. I will pay for that of course, just name the price. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Stephen, I'll be sure to include some maps soon in the asset! <3
Thank you! Btw more small houses would be nice, like the ones that appear on pokemon gba/ds roms
Thanks Siempre! I agree with you, more house types will be one of the next update series!
Hi, thanks for your work, it is amazing.
I have a question: I cannot find Subway_Tunnel_Neon_Light_2_48x48 and Subway_Tunnel_Neon_Light_48x48 as sprite sheets, I only find them as gifs. Can you add the sprite sheets? I like the neon lights and want to use them
Sorry for the super late reply! I've added them and they will be live with the next zip update <3
Hey fantastic pixel art and truly unbeatable value! Is there any possibility of more variety's of buildings or at least a a way to autotile our own buildings? Would help add diversity to maps. Thanks!
Thanks so1us, more house types are planned and will be added soon <3
How exactly do I use this in RPG Maker MZ? I read through the docs of RPG Maker MZ and also searched the web quite a bit (e.g. here or here) but I still don't get it. Any help is appreciated - the pixelart looks fantastic.
hey fab, if you also bought Modern Interiors, there's a guide I personally wrote there to import the assets into the rpgm!
I would like to build a graphics engine based on your fantastic tile sets (Modern Exteriors, Modern Interiors, etc) in a twitch stream and in youtube videos. Is that alright for you? I would love to mention and honor you a lot for it (I love it!).
This asset pack is absolutely amazing! We have used a lot of bits from it at work, for a game we been working on at the time. The color palette, the contrast, the details, everything is beutifully done! :)
If you're looking for requests:
The human character sets are excellent but would it be possible to add some for basic animal wildlife and or pets like dogs, cats, bears, etc?
Absolutely amazing set! Some requests:
Hi, I love your art. But I haven't been able to autotile to recreate your scenes, which tool do you recommend for autotiling?
Same. I have been using Tiled and I got some of them sort of working but it's not perfect. Would love to hear the full proof way to do the terrain in tiled.
Hi. I like the art so much. Have bought for using in my learning. The problem is - if I try to import the whole tileset into Unity it takes ages to slice the set for using as pallete, and even after hours of processing, it takes the huge amount of time to open this pallete in order to use. My PC isn't that great, but still usable for almost everything I need in order to make 2D games.
Could someone please help me with understanding on how can I slice the tileset or import it into the unity so it works normal and not that laggy?
Hi there ! Love your assets, a lot ! I wondered if you were planning on adding buildings to the pack ? Like a veterinary clinic, coast guard building for the beach and maybe 5* restaurants ? :D
HI. Beautiful sprites. However I have a problem. I have RPG Maker MZ, and would like to import the complete tilesets into it. I saved the 48x48 format taken from your ME_Theme_Sorter_48x48 folder in the tileset folder with the names 1_Terrains_and_Fences_48x48.png, 2_... and so on. When I insert them between my tilesets (tabs B, C...), the selection squares match, but I lose many tileset elements.
I tried using the 32x32 and 16x16 but they are too small and the squares don't match. What should I do to have the tilesets in the right format to use them fully? I have to use other files you included in it
Thank you very much
Once i find time i will have so much Fun with these tilesets! Thank you so much for putting so much effort into them!
and will there be a Space Set with Ships at some Point?
My game's world size can now be endless, because I switch over to a chunk loading system. This is the start of my conversion, but I'm hoping to start adding your vehicles and other props into the world so that it can feel like a gigantic city:
Do you think it would be possible to add more city buildings?
Also, do you have a color palette that you use? I'm currently trying to do some re-colors, but it's looking a bit off.
If you download the latest version of modern exteriors, there is a Palette.png in the root folder.
If you have aseprite: you can open any png and aseprite will create a color palette for you. You can even export it.
Also, nice game, i've subscribed your youtube :)
I must've missed it - thanks! And thank you for the support too~
This is insane...Amount of quality content we have in that price is just fantastic. Thank you!
I am new to this. (RPG Maker MZ) Bought all your Modern packs. Tried importing Modern Exteriors and realized I have no idea what I am doing. I understand the basics but every time I add a tile set I cant get rid of the transparency between two objects. If I put a street light on my map, the transparency around the object like the white and black checkers shows up. It also is importing the files in a really weird configuration. I am obviously just doing this wrong but if you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated. (Using the MZ file)
Lime! Your tilesets are amazing. Ive purchased this one as well as interiors, office, and UI, and I'm designing a game around them. I've found that designing levels/worlds is much harder than expected, even with tilesets. I've taken to using the example images on these pages as references. I'm wondering 1. if its OK with you to design areas that are very close to these examples youve created and 2. if you have a repository anywhere of more example using your tilesets that you'd be OK making available.
The construction files as well as a lot of things seem to be missing from the RPG maker versions of the files. There doesn't seem to be hardly any characters either (I have both interiors and exteriors) I do not have any firemen or construction workers either. I've checked the MV folder and went through file by file and cannot find them :/
Hi. How do I get acess to the updates? Where can I downloaded it? I've purchased the Exteriors and Interior content and was not able to find where I can get the new stuff.
The newest theme is in a separate download. Once the theme has been finished its then added to the main Modern Exteriors download folder
Hi prof! What Legendary said is correct!
From Your Library (link) you can download all the latest versions of your purchased assets
Hi, very cool graphics. I will use it for my game. It would be very nice to get attack sprites for rpg maker characters :)
Thanks marl! I'm gonna add your request to the list <3
Thank you for amazing arts. I already bought!
Thanks a lot nutversion! <3
Hi, your art is amazing, I'm Brazilian so sorry for my English, its works on unity engine ?
Yup it works in Unity! I've personally used it for many projects.
Correct! <3