7th update: Big City Life 7/?

update v1.7

"Big City Life" is the first update serie, with the aim to enhance and add variety to the general look of the asset
Every 5-10 updates I'll add a new mockup .gif
I've doubled the global tileset width, so that I can sort the stuff by theme and place them one beside the other
- Added a small fountain and its loopable animation
- Added a sign with a paper on it (e.g. to give info about the things you are selling)
- Added a Pigeon (2 versions) and an idle animation for each

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v1.7.zip 6.4 MB
Jan 03, 2022

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I love your work :D!

Now that there are pigeons, some kind of stray cat would also be nice :D


Those pigeons are on to something


ahahahahaha can't but agree


I love the pigeon his name is Phillip now. On a more serious note I appreciate the signs those are very useful and the fountain could easily be used for a park or city area which is perfect!

ahahah Phillip is a great name for a Pigeon!
I agree on the signs, I'm gonna add more for sure!


This sign is going to be very useful! Wall mounted one to be placed next to building entrances would also be great to see. It could be iron, like a plaque some businesses have.

Great idea Areinu, drawing it in tomorrow's update!