11th update: Big City Life 11/?

update v2.2

"Big City Life" is the first update serie, with the aim to enhance and add variety to the general look of the asset
Every 5-10 updates I'll add a new mockup .gif
- Added a worksite door for each worksite tape
- Added a loopable animation to the worksite door
- Added a worker helmet and a worker helmet sign
- Added an hydrant (3 colors and 9 combinations) and an hydrant sign

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v2.1.zip 6.8 MB
Jan 07, 2022

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Oh dang, looks like there are people walking around with no helmet


Loving the updates so far, just a heads up that one of the straight fence pieces has been duplicated over the open dumpster below it <3


Woops, thanks Ghost, fixed it with today's update! 

No problem, as always your the best ;)


Very excited to use this

I'm glad you like the stuff Last! <3


OMG, I love your art style, amazing job man!

Thanks Gabriel, I appreciate!


Everywhere I live the building works seem to go after me. Recently I've seen some constructions make big sheets that cover the building while it's being worked on. something like this https://m.indiamart.com/proddetail/construction-covers-1238101130.html

Would be very nice thing to have to place as placeholders for buildings to come, or even to have some building under construction at the start of the game and then be finished later on.

Great idea Areinu, gonna start drawing "unfinished" buildings for the worksite!