13th update: Big City Life 13/?

update v2.4

"Big City Life" is the first update serie, with the aim to enhance and add variety to the general look of the asset
Every 5-10 updates I'll add a new mockup .gif
- Added a worksite toolbox (empty and full) and an open animation
- Added some stacked iron beams (2 types) and a little stair to enter the worksite
- Added a traffic cone (+ stacked version) and a worksite bucket (empty and full)
- Added a spade and some holes in the ground

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v2.4.zip 6.9 MB
Jan 09, 2022

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are you planning to make some pets or farm animals?

Traffic cones! I've never seen any good construction-related city sets, these are great. <3


I had to look up what a Spade was


same tho, I've used google translate for that ahahah

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Great assets! Maybe some puddles and big congrete parts could be added to!


Great prompts, adding them today! :)

