15th update: Big City Life 15/?

update v2.6

"Big City Life" is the first update serie, with the aim to enhance and add variety to the general look of the asset
Every 5-10 updates I'll add a new mockup .gif
- Added an excavator (4 colors)
- Added some mounds of ground and sand
- Designed the Worker Helmet for the Character_Generator

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v2.6.zip 7 MB
Jan 11, 2022

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(1 edit) (+3)

Dang, excavators. Those mob accountants are lucky those aren't animated.




I see a hard hat.. do I smell new additions to characters?


ehehe that's right! The plan is to add clothes here and there to complete the updates!


I'm really happy to see character generator add-on :D I really hoped we would get worker helmet :)


Am I just blind, or does the 2.6 update not contain the sprite sheet for the character editor?


Yeah, it seems to be missing... or is very well hidden :D

You are not wrong guys, the helmet was missing in yesterday update cause I just had the time to design it!


Love the whole scene! Great idea to add wearable hat! Are there any other plans to add more construction based wearable items or clothes?


Oh my gosh and they can have the hat now!!!

Yes, they are real workers now ehehe!


Amazinggg <3 thank you for implementing my idea

You are welcome hexa, I'm always happy to implement good prompts!