1st update: Neighborhood 1/?

update v3.0

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life
- Added an air conditioning unit (3 versions)
- Added some side-view condo info signs (6 versions)
- Added 2 new trash bins (empty and filled)
- Added a "RESET" commemorative graffiti (5 versions)
- Added the named single files of each new sprite

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v3.0.zip 6.9 MB
Mar 08, 2022

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(1 edit) (+1)

So good to see you back! Hope you got the much-needed reset you were looking for.

Thanks Kevin! I've rested a lot and I hope it won't happen again, I'll do my best to prevent it!


So glad to see you are back. Stay Healthy

Thanks Ghost, I'll take care of my health, for real! <3


Oh my gosh its amazing!!!! Be sure to take it easy, these pixels rock even if theres fewer of them!

Ahahaha Thanks Last, I'll force myself to stop when I feel any arm stress! 


Welcome back!

Thanks Crai, I appreciate! :)


Happy to see you back, just don't overdo it and make us worry again.

Thanks Spoofus! I'm being very careful with my health, I'll make sure nothing bad happens again! <3


Love the reset graffiti! Perfect way to start back in. <3

ahahaha indeed, I needed some symbolic sprite to put and end on this bad period!


Welcome back! Thanks for your awesome work!

Thanks Proteus, I really appreciate! :)


It's great to see you're back at work, but don't force yourself! 

We wanna keep seeing more and more from you :D

Thanks PXV, I wanna draw more and more as well so I won't overdo eheh :)


Great to have you back! Looking forward to all your beautiful spritework, but please dont forget self-care 😊

I won't forget it, thanks tianura! <3



Indeed ehehe


Great, finally wait for your update, and look forward to your future works. Take care of yourself.

Thanks poxiao, I really appreciate! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I can't remember which one but you added something new to the early birds folder in an update. Is this early birds folder still available in this 3.0 update?

mmmmmm can't remember either I! Tomorrow I'm gonna sneak the early birds stuff in  so you can download them again ;)


Thank you :)

I forgot to add them today, I'm adding them tomorrow!