5th update: Neighborhood 5/?

update v3.4

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life
- Designed and added a new building (still not modular)
- Added a new mailbox recolor
- Added a new rock ground recolor
- Added the named single files of each new sprite 

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v3.4.zip 9 MB
Mar 14, 2022

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Post office??(you should now add postal vans)


Post office will be added for sure in future ;)


I was wondering what my height was!


It's 23, now you know ahahaha


It’s like a regular hobby following your daily updates haha


ahahahah that's a great hobby!!! <3


love it!

Thanks alamops, I appreciate it!


At last some more buildings for my obsession haha. Keep up the good work, and it is sooooooooo good to have you back Lime <3


Thanks Ghost, it's the same for me <3
More and more building coming in the next updates ;)

Looks good! Is there any chance you could possibly make the house from this video?:

If not, it's okay but I'm trying to remake that video as a game and I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible.


Grazie ahaha :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm guessing there will be a commercial buildings update series, if so will you add a gun store then?

Sure Penguin, I'm adding it to the list!


You better be taking it easy on yourself.

And amazing work as always

Thanks Spoofus, I appreciate!
Sure, I'm being very careful with my arm!


Its exaclty what i was looking for! 


Great, more buildings will be added soon ;)


I forgot to like previous updates! Gotta fix it now XD

ahahaha I forgive you! ;)