19th update: Neighborhood 19/?

update v4.7

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life
- Added the inner corner tiles for the stone railing
- Added 2 pillars tiles for the stone railing
- Added an animated gate for the stone railing
- Added a new garden tileset (adding more options tomorrow)

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v4.7.zip 11 MB
Apr 06, 2022

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gotta have them rich neighbors


riches are everywhere, unfortunately >:|


Love the new stuff, I wanted to give you a tip or make a request. It would be cool if you could make some dust and grime that we can put on buildings and the ground like mud tracks or so. Everything looks to nice ;)


Thanks Roy! Sure, I’m gonna try to draw some of them in the following days ;)


Ohhhh we're getting fancy i see

it’s just the beginning!!! ;)


nice touch


Thanks Ghost, a new theme is starting! In this I also plan to draw some new houses and maybe the bus with the bus station!

(1 edit)

that’s what I have been waiting for. I love that idea


