22th update: Neighborhood 22/?

update v5.0

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life
- Added a new tree to decorate your gardens and sidewalks!
- Added a bus stop (2 sizes) and the bus stop sign

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v5.0.zip 11 MB
Apr 12, 2022

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This means Buses soon I can see it haha, very nice


OMG @limezu, the little itty bus stop might just be my new favourite asset.
My future plans for this pack need to change solely based on this. 


ahahahahah thanks Timps, I also like them tiny!


No one has mentioned how awesome those additional trees are too! So much variety with your greenery tiles. <3


Thanks Oasis! I'm trying to improve on the greenery cause it's one of my actual weakenesses!


Next time on modern exterios - actual bus to use with your bus stop! XD

Shhh that's a spoiler!!!


I like bus stops!

We all like them eheh


Gah, everything is so cute.  I feel bad that I don't comment every day.

ahahah thanks Sharm! Don't worry, I know many of you check the daily updates without commenting and tha'ts totally fine <3 


that is really cool! thanks for this update!
I have  a suggestion for future updates. Pets - dogs, or animals in general. Maybe a zoo? that would be really cool. No pressure though! keep up the good work!


+1 for city animals I mean cats/dogs and "flying pigeon" animation (since there is already a "static pigeon")


Rats ! What's a city without rats. Would go well with the lovely garbage containers and loose garbage assets.

A zoo would be as cool as challenging, but I would really love to draw it one day!! City animals are coming for sure in the next updates ;)

Awesome! thank you for considering all the suggestions !


Now I have bus stop in my game !!


yeee and an actual bus very soon!

(1 edit) (+1)

Dang, now I have to pretend the buses failed to arrive just so I don't have to program them moving around


ahahahaha you are a smart guy


Perfect! In games ive made before bus stops were used to quickly move the player so i appreciate the potentiao uses

uhh that's a cool design idea!