25th update: Neighborhood 25/?

update v5.2

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life
- Added some hanging lights to decorate your new house's entrance
- Added some pieces of paper to place on the facade
- Added a wooden armchair  (2 sizes) and a tiny round table (+ some stuff to place on it)
- Added 2 tiny potted plants
- Added a 14 frames loopable open animation for door 

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v5.2.zip 11 MB
Apr 15, 2022

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Amazing as always :)


Thanks Ghost, I always appreciate! <3


Great update as always!  Love the armchairs!
I have a few more suggestions for you if you ever run out of ideas,  it would be cool to have  a School, an Airport, a Police Station.
there is no rush or anything, I just imagine they would look really cool with your style.


Thanks for your prompt serX! I have all that stuff in my list, I believe the School is not far from being designed! ;)


I love your work C:


Thanks Wiic, I appreciate! <3


Finally my game can have an old man that just sits in his rocking chair on his porch screaming at the young kids to get off his lawn lol


ahahahahahaha that's a brilliant game design idea


Such a lovely house with all the details!

PS. Congrats with the 25th update already! :)


Thanks Aidas, slowly but we're getting somewhere with this asset!


This is too cute


Ahahahah I'm amazed you didn't make a joke this time


Great! Verwsion 5.2 already! This is very inspiring thing! You are doing progress great!

Thanks Dima, I appreciate! <3