28th update: Neighborhood 28/?

 update v5.5

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life 

- Added a backyard playhouse (4 colors and 2 base options) with a 12 frames animated door
- Added a lemonade stand and a wooden stand
- Added a a Solar Panel for each roof
- Added the named single files of the new sprites 

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v5.5.zip 12 MB
Apr 22, 2022

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so cute is everuthing like cartoonish perfect life

Thanks Dima, I appreciate! :)


I love your set soo much, and the updates are always cute! I hope you'll have time to do more nature-y tiles for a park or forest, with grass, bushes, trees and bodies of water โ™ฅ๏ธ

Uhh rivers and such are something I really wanna try to draw in this style! I think the forest update serie or something like that isn't that far!

Awesome news ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

I'm bought your interior tiles for a project, and if at some point there will be exterior nature tiles to match the interior style I'll be so jazzed ๐Ÿ’œ


Amazing addition, where you get all this creativity from astounds me!


Thanks Ghost, I appreciate! <3 The key for me is to write down everything I wanna add to the asset when it comes to my mind!

(1 edit) (+1)

Solar powah! :DDD These panels could be added to the big houses too!


Indded, they are a really modern addition eheheh


These playhouses are so cute, good idea!

Thanks pygnosis, I appreciate! :)


These house designs are really cute! They've got a very comfy animal crossing sort of vibe. <3

Indeed it's true ehehe 


Indeed modern, with all those solar panels!

indeed, nothing is more modern than a solar panel eheheh


Phew, almost had a cuteness reactor meltdown there!
Oh wait, is that a  children's lemonade stand?

We better start evacuating...

ahahahah the children's lemonade stand is below the belt, I know I know