35th update: Neighborhood 35/?

update v6.2

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life 


 - Finished spriting the 4-dir bus and added a few recolors (more to come). I'm gonna animate it soon!

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v6.2.zip 12 MB
May 05, 2022

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Happy Wic


Happy Lime then! <3


Wow! Thanks so much! I love them!


Colorful Bus, that's cute but kinda sounds like a durg


ahahahaha kids these days aren't for coke anymore 


Noice, some good bus sprites, now we can remake "Speed" as a snes era game.

Seriously these are really good, keep it up.

ahahaha I bet someone gonna make a racing game after all the vehicles updates


Grt! Just what I needed ! Thanks!

You're welcome Charles Jr ehehe! :)

Qic one. i redownloaded pack but I cant find the buses. Am I going about it the wrong way to download updates?


Nice colors! The Green White Red lines made me smile ^^

Thanks pygnosis, I appreicate! <3



Thanks antikx! :)


The little details to make it dirty just makes it awesome! I feel like it can be used for different projects now!! Awesome work as always!

Thanks Last, this was a really tough sprites since I'm not used to draw vehicles and it's base shape (a rectangle) is so simple that it's hard to obtain a cool sprite from it!