39th update: Neighborhood 39/?

update v6.55

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life  


No new zip folder for today since it's still a wip!

- Designed and sketched some rotations for the bus sprite, they are still sketchy and chipped

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)

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I appreciate that you take the time to get things done correctly instead of pushing a new zip just to add new content. As Leonardo Da Vinci said:

“Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail.”

Keep going on!

Thanks pygnosis, I appreciate your mindset! <3
Sometimes (when talking about big sprites or animations) 4 hours is not enough to complete and upload something!


My bus can drift !!!


yees it's time for some illegal street racing ehehehe


Let the racing begin

My money is still on Planet Mart's shopping carts


ahahahah I swear I'm gonna make something about some sort of martian racing game ahahahah