41th update: Neighborhood 41/?

update v6.6

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life  


No new zip folder for today since it's still a wip!

- Refined a bit more the animation  and added the other 4 possible directions, now each bus can go from any diorectio  to any direction! 

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)

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Amazing?! it’s so smooth :D

Thanks Cryptic! <3


That's illegal!


shhhh you are living a dream!!!


Third time the charm eh? :D Amazing animations Lime!


Thanks Aidas, I'm training for more complex vehicles! <3


You really do go above and beyond, I know this is not an easy animation. Well done <3


Thanks Ghost, I can't wait to start drawing new sprites again, it's way easier ahahah


Oh gosh, this type of animation for such a long object is a huge pain, I'm impressed you dared to do it.

ahahah I was like "ok, it won't be that bad, it's just a longer car"... well, it took like 12-15 hours ahahaha but I'm happy with the final result, there's no other 16x16 pixel art asset having animated vehicles here!


Yeah, I'm working on a bus for my set and it's just. . . insane.  Worse, my cars are bigger. ;_;

ahahaha I feel you! Vehicles are really tough, way more than I imagined! I sketched some scooters a while ago and they were terrible, so much terrible that I erased them ahahaha (that was before Modern Exteriors release tho)

I can imagine!  Weirdly enough the curvy vehicles are so much worse.