46th update: Neighborhood 46/?

update v7.1

'Neighborhood' update series focuses on buildings, shops and everything concerning the pedestrians city life  


- Added 2 ramps for the Car Wash
- Added a bunch of modular background trees (3 types) with a new fence
- Added a parking meter
- Added a "Camping" entrance signboard 

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v7.1.zip 19 MB
May 25, 2022

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Just keep out doing yourself, keep it up and don't strain that wrist of yours (yes I'm that worry wort)


Excited to see where that sign leads.. haha

Ohhh, camp grounds! That sounds exciting, looking forward to it!


Oh, an easy way to connect the city with nature resources :D

Indeed, connectors are as important as hard to be designed in a cool way ehehe


Is the sign a hint of something to come ..........?


Yesss it is eheheh this will be challenging!


Maybe some pot holes and damaged pavement, yellow marking lines could be added? I believe it would add the detail to break up the even ground. Like you did with the garden details

PS. Loving the updates! <3

Thanks for your feedback Aidas, they are always useful! <3
Today I've added some of the stuff you suggested! here



Yess can't wait to start designing the first sprites! :)