55th update: Camping 7/?

update v8.0

The 'Camping' update serie gonna feature many classic camping scenarios along with new vegetation and versatile sprites.
~ Have marshmallows ready~ -

-Added the scout snapback accessory file, it's compatible with the Character Generator of Modern Interiors
-Added the scout outfit file (3 colors), it's compatible with the Character Generator of Modern Interiors
- Added 6 pre-made scout characters (see below)

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v8.0.zip 24 MB
Jun 09, 2022

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I love me some additions to the character sets


Thanks Ghost <3 I've planned a large update for the character generator (including chopping animation, fishing animation and such), but I wanna make it outside of the daily updates!




Love the backpack :) 

Thanks Areinu <3


I so f***g love all your work Lime!!!! >u<
I really apreciate all the things that you do in all asset packs

And the best part! LOW COST!
its so hard to find assets of this premium quality at that cost
In Argentina every dollar hurts (inflation op) and finding your content made me really very happy

i have no words to describe how grateful im with you ♥

(5 edits) (+2)

Thanks Kamus, I'm grateful as well to have such amazing supporters! <3

In my opinion asset packs shouldn't be expensive cause it's passive income after the artist publishes them! When I see 20-30$ cost asset packs I totally get the point of not wanting to devalue the art, but a large portion of potential buyers and supporters is knocked out and that's unfair!
I deeply believe that  the monetary value of this type of art is just symbolic (since we are not talking about limited pieces or exclusive collections) and its real value is how much you can tickle creativity and emotions, specificly regarding asset packs!
My goal is that everyone who appreciates my asset packs is also able to buy them, regardless their country of origin!

ps: I also find absurd that an aspiring game developer has to spend like 50-100$ for a bunch of asset packs and 99% of the times the devepoled game won't even be released or mainy released for free!


Damn Lime, you're absolutely right
if all artists and developers thought alike the world would be a better place
i have the same opinion than you, and that's the why im here on every update and every asset pack released by you

because your artwork are amazing, beautiful, accesible, and with a beautiful community around the creator ♥ 

once again, thanks to you for EVERYTHING!
And greetings from Argentina UvU ♥


Thanks to you for supporting Kamus, You all are a portion of my artistic fuel I can't do without! <3


Oh cool I've been hoping for sprites with backpacks. You are awesome for the stuff you make! :D

Thanks Prof, I appreciate! <3


Oh no... they're back...


ahahahaha deep fear for the textfiles



Thanks Last <3