106th update: Metropolis 25/?

update v12.9

The "Metropolis" update serie will include tons of new buildings and elements for your city,  with the goal to supply a complete and realistic city tileset  

Before proceeding with the recolors, I'm gonna use 2 updates to make the whole thing width-modular!

- Added the width-modular tiles for all the shops and the inner corner tiles for the first roof 
- Replaced many of the floors  sprites so it's way more undestandable to the eye
- Added new elements to place on the plane roofs

now you can create large buildings matching different pieces, like those in the following example:

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v12.9.zip 38 MB
Oct 17, 2022

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Oh my gods, modularity overload ! Thank you, this is really next level.

The new stuff to put on the roofs is great. Wonder if it goes well with the old roofs as well. In fact, I wonder how well the old buildings go with these new ones…

Thanks feral! <3
That's my actual concern fr, I'm not sure the whole thing fit together...I'm gonna do some test in the next days and eventually fix some sprites! Regarding the roof stuff, tomorrow I'll change they shadow to be semi-transparent, so they can be placed on any plane roof!


Amazing update, now to reconfigure the building generator to make multi-unit buildings <3


Thanks Ghost <33


Wait, is there a building generator ?!?!


In my game there is haha <3


I still waiting for my request list.

Hi Kpop! I have to finish what I’m working ok first, and I have tons of requests, please be patient <3

It's okay, no pressure. :)


I'll really need a sniper rifle at this rate.


Ahahahha too many plane roofs and not even a single sniper rifle… very very bad 


This is literally awesome man. And i actually think I have a good game idea for your art now! Hopefully i can get time to work on it soon!

Uhhh that would be awesome Last! Keep it up! <3