117th update: Metropolis 36/?

update v14.0

The "Metropolis" update serie will include tons of new buildings and elements for your city,  with the goal to supply a complete and realistic city tileset  

- Added an Hospital sign that can also be used as bench
- Added three more 6 frames loopable animated characters laid on the stretcher (3 sides each). Each one has a different animation!

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v14.0.zip 40 MB
Nov 03, 2022

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(1 edit) (+1)

😂 it looks like the patients are doing sit ups lmao

ahahaha indeed


Their abs will be incredible in a few weeks


Stronger patients = Better patients


I love this but the first thing i thought of was "wait, wouldn't someone on a stretcher lie very, very still?" xD

ahahahah you are right, but they are strangely active, I swear, I saw them 


Doctor, Nurse , hmm... Oh yes Janitor! XD


Ahahaha many chances with one outfit 


We can always rely on you to produce quality content. How on earth are you still only charging $3 USD?

Anyways, thanks for the different ages and skin colours. Very much appreciate the representation.

(1 edit)

Thanks Rhonan! <3 I might increase the prices soon, maybe a +20 cents on each xd


Bro when are you gonna give us one or two gun shops? That's literally the only thing keeping me from progressing at the moment.


Oh damnn Penguin, I genuinely forgot about it but I remember you asking for it many times! Gonna draw it for the next update! Do you have any reference of it?


Theres so mang mini game ideas with the stretchers (stretcher racers anyone..?)

Great mini-game idea ehehehe