Discord Community Server Grand Opening


This is a big step to create a solid community
outside of this website 

➡️Let's see why you should join it...

💬You can chat and discuss with other game developers, artists and such
✨You can showcase your personal project and find an audience for it
🤝You can look for new members for your project or to start a new one with
📅You can get in touch with me and never miss any daily update 
🤫You can check before anyone else what is Limezu secretely working on

💗Much more...just jump in, we are waiting for you!


🙏A big thanks goes to LegendarySwordsman2#7777, he massively helped me with all the server settings

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we are there! get in here guys growing an awesome community!


Yesss we are growing super fast!!!


Amazing news!


Indeed, it's just the beginning!!!


Happy I could help! Can't wait to see where this server goes!


Happy I could be helped by you! <3


I'll be there!


Great! <3