144th update: Theme Sorter + Single Files 3/7

update v16.7

A few updates to make everything tidier, since the asset pack is getting massive 

Started producing all the single files, this is a super long process since I've decided to name them all also based on the sprite and not only based on the theme
- Added all the "Terrains_and_fences" theme single files (1098 total)
- Added all the "City_props" theme single files (726 total)

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v38.6 150 MB
Version 9 Jan 13, 2023

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They're back  ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )


Who is back??? Don't tell me...


Thanks so much! That's a terrible job but you make things so much easier for us thaankssss


It's indeed terrible ahahaha but it's turning out clean and once it's done it's not a big hassle to keep it updated!


Oooh this is amazing ty!! I really appreciate the individual naming, that was definitely something I had struggled with with the interior pack and trying to find things lol

Yeahh I feel you Screm, I'm thinking about doing this for the Interiors too, a little at a time!


Loving the new categorization, keep it up!


Thanks LS! <3


Duuuuuuuude, that's a lot of naming :DDD

Could you share why do you create seperate files for every tile

(1 edit) (+1)

It's useful if you want to pick only some sprites and not a whole spritesheet.
For instance with Godot you can use a spritesheet for a tilemap with multiple layers and have some standalone, reusable, scenes with their own asset i.e. a single file included in their directory.


Thanks for the response


There are several uses for the single named files, but the one that convinced me to start this tedious work was the fact that singles seem to be super handy in Unity, since slicing up my tilesets isn't  easy and they are quite big, so you tend to include a lot of stuff that isn't even gonna be used in the project!

I can't wait to start drawing new sprites tho, this is super boring

I can only imagine :D