160th update: Discord Suggestions 1 - 12/14

update v18.3

"Discord Suggestions" is a short series that will feature random prompts from
the #suggestions channel on our Discord Server.

The aim of this series is to chop down the long suggestion list, without
having to wait a specific theme. 

Each batch will last 5-10 updates and is planned on a bi-monthly basis (~)


- Added a rustless version of the fallen car wreckage (3 colours)
- Added a junk shack and a modular version of the junk piles
- Updated the theme files with the new stuff

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v38.6 150 MB
Version 28 Feb 14, 2023

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(4 edits) (+1)

As a scavenger type this junkyard update is really making me happy :heart: !

Small suggestions for improvements, based on how cargo containers work in real life:

  • Container doors always open to the outside, so that you can use the space inside for cargo/living space without having to worry about leaving space for the door to open :grin:
  • Some containers are longer (“double”), would be cool to have this too.

Thanks for the tips feral, gonna add some longer containers with the door opening to the outside! <3


Or just make the container asset split in 3 parts (closed side, middle part, doors side) with the middle part that can tile, and then people can make them as long as they like.

Modular modular modular ;-)

Thank you !!!

I've added a modular version too today, but I forgot to add the longer containers for the horizonal sprites... gonna sneakily add them with the next update ahaha

Sneak updates are the best ! :grin:


I just realized this site is radioactive, is that spiderman over there?


Yes, he lives in the shack!


Omg you added modular trash xD this is so cool man

Ahahahah thanks last xd