162th update: Discord Suggestions 1 - 14/14

The first batch is over, from the next update I will be back on the Metropolis theme

update v18.5

"Discord Suggestions" is a short series that will feature random prompts
from the #suggestions channel on our Discord Server.

The aim of this series is to chop down the long suggestion list, without
having to wait a specific theme. 

Each batch will last 5-10 updates and is planned on a bi-monthly basis (~)


- Added longer containers and modular tiles to make containers as long as you want!
- Added a 30 frames loopable animation for the container door (2 colors)
- Added an animation to the junk shack door
- Added a new barrel (2 versions)
- Updated the theme files with the new stuff

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v38.6 150 MB
Version 30 Feb 17, 2023

Get Modern Exteriors - RPG Tileset [16X16]

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why is the best tileset behind a paywall
ahh....it sucks to be a game dev at 16....i cant pay 2$ coz i dont have a bank account
do you take cash?? if yes then how do i give it to you?
is there a way you can give me only this file - this tileset of the dump yard

(1 edit)

I had just decreased the tilesize brush in gamemaker to 16px and made my own longer ones, so glad you have now done it for me haha. Thanks lime <3


I can just see zombies coming out of those containers "shudders" haha

Ahh this would be soo cool!

imagine we get a amusement park

Oh, so spiderman was the ghost all this time?



eyyyy very nice!!! so that's the end of discord suggestions, excited to see whats next :3

Yee this theme could keep going forever since the suggestions are endless ahaha but yeahh let's get back on the main track!