197th update: Garden 3/?

update v21.9

The "Garden" theme will feature a lot of new vegetation and objects to decorate a magnificent garden, and there couldn't be a lavish garden without a lavish villa...

- Added a putto statue (more to come) and a sheep garden sculpture (more to come)
- Added the diagonal options for the maze tilesets and a 2 tiles-wide gate (2 versions)

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v38.6 150 MB
Version 61 May 10, 2023

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You just keep outdoing yourself

Thanks Spoofus! <3


Nice spring garden to be there. I like green grass!

Thanks Dima! <3


DIAGONALS? The players are going to "love" this... >:)

You know how gardens sometimes have very textured plant/flower patches because there's a lot of different overlapping shapes ? I always think that looks so nice but I wonder how it could be done in pixel form. I tried making a greenhouse a while ago and some noise/color variation did good but I'm not that good at drawing TuT Maybe a mix of texturing and more concrete plant shapes in front??

mmmm not sure what you meant with the plant patches, could you send an image about it?
The greenhouse is a great prompt to have here, gonna add it to the list!

Hmm I tried finding some pictures, but really it's just about any mixed plant/flower patch, look around next time you're in a public park maybe? They're common where I live but I don't know how universal it is.

See how they're different lengths/shapes so it creates this particular, pleasant texture??  Even the ones where there's very few colors besides the green of the plant??? Maddening to transfer the feeling in pixel art, but so pretty... (don't worry about whether or not to draw it, at the very least you saw some nice plants :>)

15 Best English Garden Ideas - How to Design an English Garden

September Is the New May' When It Comes to Planting Flowers - The New York  Times

Wildflower garden ideas: 10 ways to grow meadow flowers |

Flower Arrangements from the Garden | Cottage garden design, Cottage  garden, Cottage garden plan


Ohh yeahh now I got it! I'm gonna try to make them for the 200th update! :)

Ok, for the 201th eheheh


Ok, so put a big boulder right there, and the player needs to push it around, and then it gets stuck and the player needs to exit and reenter the room. Yes. Yes.


Innovative, nothing to add