201th update: Garden 7/?

update v22.3

The "Garden" theme will feature a lot of new vegetation and objects to decorate a magnificent garden, and there couldn't be a lavish garden without a lavish villa...

- Added a fountain (2 colors) (more are coming)
- Added a 6 frames loopable water flowing animation to the fountain

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v38.6 150 MB
Version 65 May 19, 2023

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Fountains!!! While you’re doing them, do you think you could add an animation for empty —> full ? (and maybe full—> empty?) Should just take some fiddling with the frames you already have (like the bottom part not being filled up on the first frame)  🤔 

Great one! I'm gonna add all those little animations after drawing all the planned fountains! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

We also need an evil dimension version of the fountain, clichè red liquid and all
A fountain of the worst drink ever, tomato juice :ewwwww-emoji:


Another thing to make after all the fountain are finished! I'm gonna write that down or I'm gonna forget it 100%