206th update: Files catch up + Break Announcement

It's time for me to take a short break from drawing and using the pc in general, it will be both beneficial for my right hand and my art fuel

The break will be from  06/01 to 06/13, with a chance to extend it to 06/20, depending on my hand condition

I'll be back soon, there's no way I'm gonna drop all this

update v22.8

Before taking a break, it was necessary to update the singles and the rpg maker tilesets

- Updated the RPG Maker tilesets with the current  Garden Theme (from n°69 to n°71)
- Added all the single files of the current Garden Theme (500+)

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v38.6 150 MB
Version 70 May 31, 2023

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Enjoy your break!!

Thanks a lot Last <33


Amazing work as always! Enjoy the break, take as much time as necessary! We'll be here!

Thanks a lot dejaime <333


Have a good break, and thank you for such an amazing asset!

Thanks a lot Blob! <3


Have a good break!

Thanks Harlan <3


I also have issues with my hands because of excessive computer use, so I feel you! Take as long of a break as you need. We'll be looking forward to your return! Best wishes!


What is your problem about pingu? I have an ulnar nerve compression, so it's about tingling and numbness of my right pinky and ring fingers! 
The cause for me was excessive use of the pc with a constant elbow pressed on the armrest, that's why I switched to a standing desk last year, but the inflammation isn't completely gone yet!


Hi again! Thanks for asking. I have tendinitis, on both hands, but the left more than the right because of my constant use of keyboard shortcuts. The inflammation touched a nerve in my case too, which was quite painful 😅 I've been using a wristband/splint thing to take some pressure off the thumb, I was also prescribed some medication, and it's all helped a lot and I'm almost back to normal now. It flares up again if I work for too long, but as long as I'm careful and use the splint when I have to move stuff around, etc. (to avoid moving the thumb too much), I'm fine!

As for the cause, for a long time, I used a keyboard that was too big and didn't fit properly on the tray, so my hand posture wasn't optimal. This year I've also been working waaay too many hours without taking proper breaks. I've fixed those issues now and I'm taking better care of my hands. I'm glad that you fixed your setup as well. Working long hours in front of the computer is tough!

I hope your treatment is effective and you recover soon as well! My best wishes to you and take care.


Oh damn I'm sorry about your condition! It's different but it's pretty similar to mine consequences-wise! We have to be patient and steady in keeping healthy habits, and I'm sure both of us will be completely ok one day! <3


I had Carpal awhile ago. First, yeah you need to take a break from the computer but second, and this is kind of strange, my carpal went away when I started lifting weights. Anytime I sit or use the computer for too long and stop working out, my carpal flares up. Hit the weights 3 times a week and it'll be better in no time. Not a doctor but I am a PSW. :)

Thanks for the feedback jump! <3
For me it's the ulnar nerve that is compressed, so it's a cubital tunnel syndrome, but it's very similar to the carpal one! I actually took a break from lifting weights because I had the suspect it was aggravating my condition, but yesterday I was visited by an incredible physiatrist who told me it's not a real danger to hit the gym unless some movements clearly make the symptoms flare up! So I'm gonna get back to it soon, right after some nerve treatments are over! 


Well deserved break, take it easy and enjoy it!

Thanks a lot Screaming! <33


Enjoy your time off!

Thanks a lot wurgut <3


Enjoy your time off! Excited to see what you come up with when you return!

(1 edit)

Thanks stablamm! I have big plans! <3


What is wrong with your hand?

it's 2 years I have numbness and tingling in my right pinky and ring fingers, it's an intermittent condition, but it ha flared up again during the last period, so I was visited by a physiatrist who identified the problem in the right ulnar nerve, from next week I will start specific treatments, I am very hopeful <3


rest well! you're a powerhouse!

Thanks a lot What <33


hope you have a nice break!! and thank you always for the great work!

(1 edit)

Thanks tess <3


have a nice break and rest!!!

Thanks Cryptic! <3

Hand update: I was visited by a physiatrist who identified the problem in the right ulnar nerve, from next week I will start specific treatments, I am very hopeful <3


oh dear, wishing you a swift recovery then!!! :( 

Ive had hand issues too but thankfully I wasn’t in a situation where I couldn’t just stop/slow the activity causing it so it never grew into anything serious, I got concerned when it started hurting consistently and dropped the game that was making it way worse + got my girlfriend to help when it hurt too much on the stuff I didn’t stop hahaha ^^;; 

hopefully treatment will help you if rest wasn’t enough, treat yourself kindly too

I feel you, hand issues are super annoying! My partner is helping me too, doing ""masculine"" stuff for me, like lifting heavy things at home and such, any little thing may flare the symptoms up!
I'm hopeful about the treatments, and I'm generally calmer now cause the physiatrist also has plans in case those treatments didn't work!


Give your magic hands a well deserved rest, and your inspiration a supercharge ! Have fun !

Thanks a lot feral! <33

Hand update: I was visited by a physiatrist who identified the problem in the right ulnar nerve, from next week I will start specific treatments, I am very hopeful <3


That’s awesome news. Once you know what the problem is, everything is a lot easier. Hope the treatment works wonders !

Ye totally, knowing the problem really took away a lot stress, also because the physiatrist already told me that has plans in case those treatments didn't work!


Enjoy your time break Lime!
Best of wishes for you and your hand :3


Thanks a lot Kamus! <3

hand update: I was visited by a physiatrist who identified the problem in the right ulnar nerve, from next week I will start specific treatments, I am very hopeful <3