255th update: Graveyard 7/?

update v27.7

The Graveyard theme will feature tombstones, crypts and all sort of related props to make a cool and complete burial ground

- Added a standing torch (+ animated version)
- Added some halloween pumpinks (more coming)

See you and happy game-making! :)

From now on, the new theme will be only available in the "WIP_Theme".zip until it's finished.  This way you won't have to download the whole asset to just have a couple of new sprites.
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WIP Theme_Graveyard.zip 501 kB
Oct 25, 2023

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All these candles really make the whole thing come alive. Wall torches would also fit the atmosphere and be usable for more standard fantasy games as well.

You are totally right feral, gonna try to make them too!




Thanks a lot yuu! <3