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I'm new to RPGmaker and am using MZ. I downloaded a couple of your packs and am not sure how to use them. For example, in Modern Exteriors, I open the RPGmaker MV folder and see Tileset_1_MV.png, Tileset_2_MV.png. I am not sure where to put these though. Most of the other tilesets I have used have them as A1, etc. I love the look of your work and would really like to use it, I'm just a noob at this.

You can searching how to manage a tileset in youtube or other RPG Maker forums,

First you need to input your tileset images at location img/tilesets in your project folder

Second you need to manage your tileset in MZ at tileset tab in database

I hope this will be guide to you :)

PS. You can use MV tileset into MZ too because same size and same scale

I also use this for my project with MZ,

basically I just move all the tilesets and just move them to a tileset template which would be easy to do if you turn on "GRID" and put the settings on 48 x 48 pixels.


I've been working on a game with your resources and I hope it's okay that I made an edit to one of the boxes that looks like game consoles are in it. I can give you the box resources if you want to add them to the collection.


Great work Prof! Sure, you are allowed to edit the sprites ;)


Love it! Woulda like to see some rounded and diagonal walls for the town bldgs! 

Thanks iluargrott, I'm adding it to the list! I'm pretty sure I'll add them not so far!


Really good stuff man, i cant wait to see what comes in the future!

Thanks Bielo, I appreciate your support! <3

Nice, 4 stars.

You didn’t even buy it, am I right? 

No, but is beautiful.


Hello! I have a question. How do you get the ideas for what items to draw? You have these immense projects and I was wondering where you get the inspiration. Hope your wrist gets better soon!


Hi dascas! My arm has almost fully recovered, I'm so happy about it!

That's a great question! That's my method: I have a piece of paper where I write down any idea I have about a certain asset, then I search for real life references on google, so I can draw without the risk of "copying" the game or asset of someone else. 


Does this pack include an already made tilemap that I can use in a game, or is it just a sprite sheet that I can use to create my own map?

Hi Light, there are some tilemaps based on the gifs you can see above, but the asset mainly contains sprite sheets and such!


Hello I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but in unity when I slice by grid size it doesn't seem to work . I really like the art and was wondering if I missed something.


What options do you use? I do slice: "grid by cell size" and then I need to manually set the cell size, often that's 16 by 16.

Hi Ultimate! I think the issue it that there are many sprites bigger than 16x16! You could try to import the sprites from the "Singles" folder, where they are all already sliced by me!

ah okay thank you :D

(1 edit) (+1)

ok it has been 8 days since I buy this pack and apparently there are some optimization you can made for RPG MAKER series.
it is actually possible to use animations with RPG MAKER engine for the grill, tv, bath stuff, etc.
just letting you know that you can make the "animations" into "characters" for the RPG MAKER series to use animations resources in RPG MAKER series. (some optimization have to be made)


You can also make them into characters yourself. I did this, but I don't think I'm allowed to share it.


Maybe you could send the files to LimeZu and (s)he could add it to the download folder.


I don't believe they would like that very much. I also dont know how to get in contact with them. But I'll try my best!


LimeZu's email address is in an image on their profile page.

Sorry for the late reply guys, I've had health problems! Thanks for the advice rice, it's indeed true that the animations can be imported as characters into the rpgmaker softwares! I'm adding the files with tomorrow's update :)


I just bought the interior and exterior packs and they are great :) I just have one question since I'm new to this. How do I add the animated objects into the game? Say I want to make an animated TV screen for example. Thanks in advance :)

What's your engine?


Rpg Maker MV

Then idk I use GMS 2

Hi Star, sorry for the late reply, I've had health problems! 
I'm adding the MV compatible animated files with tomorrow's update :)

I suggest you to check some tutos like this if you are new to the engine ;)
Deleted 2 years ago
(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

I need more, MOARR, MOARRRRRRRR!!!

Also good tileset bought everything.

btw it would be nice to have a place where we all can communicate, like discord.


This is an interesting idea rice, I'll think about it!

this is a really good idea  i hope limezu will do it

These are awesome - thank you! I am starting on my first project and purchased several of your packs. Is there somewhere to ask questions or discuss (i.e. - a discord channel). I am trying to figure out how to make one story buildings instead of two plus and also make the buildings wider (only can do this with the orange one). I am a beginner just looking for a bit of help.  Great job on your work!

you could use photoshop and edit the tilesets btw.


I was waiting for this! I love your assets thank you so much!

You are welcome Kali, thanks for your support! <3

Is this RPG Maker VX Ace compatible?

Hi Draco, it's actually not, I will consider making the VX Ace files if there are some more people interested!


How is your hand doing?


It's getting better, still not great tho. I will be examined by an orthopedist next Monday! In the meanwhile I'm gonna try to deliver a couple updates


Dude, let it heal. We can wait. Love your work! :D

Thanks guys! After this long wait I'm finally back! <3


Hi huys, what tool do you use to cut the sprites?

Hi Anjecam! What game engine are you using?


Unity, but when I use the build in tool, it takes some of them as if they were 1 sprite but they actually are 5 different sprites. The same happens when I use shoebox, the only thing I have been able to do is to cut them manually.

Hi Anjecam, sorry for the late reply, I have had health problems! Can't you import the sprites using the "singles" folder ones? 

Don't worry, where is that folder located?


sadly i cant buy at this moment i surely will buy one day (what are you gonna do after this  pack ?)


if you give me your email i can gift you this

(1 edit) (+1)

idk if you will "hack" me or something but if this not a joke thanks you soo much (


Gift sent, tell me if it arrived




np mate


I absolutely adore both this and the Modern Interior projects, despite not having much of a knack for game development these tilesets have come in great use when planning for tabletop games. (FATE Core, etc) Keep up the awesome work!


Never thought about tabletop games with my assets! That would be super cool to see!


Looks amazing! Thanks for your hard work.

Are you planning to add something like the room builders from the other packs to build exteriors of buildings as well?


Thanks Lith, I appreciate! 
The "city builder" file gonna be a must-have when I'll draw more buildings (very soon eheh)


I am so happy to see the updates with your pack as I already purchased Modern Interiors and was very glad I could snag the early bird for this pack! Everything looks so amazing so far!

If you're looking for ideas, perhaps a subway or railway? Public transit is always a fun part of the city! Or perhaps some street food or vender stalls... even a farmers market!

So many options, but regardless of what you do or do not include I know it will all be amazing. Keep up the good work and best of luck, I'm cheering you on!

Thanks for your kind words Iarki! <3
All of the stuff you mentioned will be added for sure, some of them very soon! 


Hi Limezu and thank you fot this huge tileset !

I want to use it with WorkAdventure , is the license permits that ?
It is not clear in my head.

(1 edit)

Hi Jacques! Using my assets into WorkAdventure is allowed, go for it and good luck with your mapping!

Great, thanks


If you looking for further ideas, would you consider expanding your character generator to include  portraits/face pics for dialogues? Even just a neutral facial expression would be great. This is literally the only thing  missing to make a game with 100% lime_zu assets without any modification.

Dialogues are important for topdown RPGs.   I'm learning to make them myself but  I'm not good at this. But anyway I can survive without that. I'm happy with whatever you're doing. It's a suggestion  just in case if you run out of ideas ;)


I've been wanting that as well


Thanks for the idea ali, I'll surely work on portraits at some some point! 


Really cool Pack! Love it! Are you planning to add (or make a extra pack) more nature stuff and season specials? (for example special flowers for spring, golden-organge tress for fall, snow ground and rooftops with snow for winter)

I work on a educational game about organise the own life (money, banking, first appartment) for disabled People. I don´t have the ressources to make sprites all by myself but also I would like to create a game which looks good. Only because it is "educational" it should not look "cheap".... It is really difficult if you have to combine different artstyles togehter because there is no artis which have a big pack for all things you need, but your exterior and interiors pack have really almost all I need to make this educational game about everyday life. Big Thank you for your great work! = ) 

If I could wish something it would be more nature and seasons in your exterior pack and disabled characters in the character creator (wheelchair for example)

Thanks for your ideas icedragon, there's a really high chance that seasonal stuff will be added during the updates! More nature stuff will come for sure ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Master Zu, Great stuff! Any way you were thinking of putting a generator with a worksite light into the construction site? Could be super cool! ;P

I've got a (more) serious request though. If it's not so difficult to have no space underneath your singles it would be SO amazing. At least for the stuff touching the ground.  Centered would be cool too, but that's not as important. No pressure and no worries at all if it's a bother beyond what you are already doing.


Hi TLiaD, thanks for the worksite idea, gonna try to draw it tomorrow!

I've actually stopped updating the singles cause I plan to resave them all without space around and with a specific file name based on the sprite!





I had sent you an email regarding a game that we're building, we're interested in hiring you as a designer for the project.
Please check your mail!

Love your art btw!


Hey Limezu! I've bought your pack again! I love it!

I hope we can see more vehicles like bus, firetruck, ambulance and police car ^^/  or even smt like bycicle and motorcycle will be fun!

Best wishes for this pack too! I'm gonna follow this as always <3 


Thanks for the support narurinya! I'm gonna add for sure many vehicles, the bus and the police car will probably be the first! ;)


Wow, such a nice and incredible work here, I am looking for more ! :D

Thanks Xecalion, I appreciate! <3

I started my own horror project with this. My game will be about a character finding a haunted game cartridge, similar to how some Creepypasta stories start out. I had to find pixel art of a Game Boy and Game Boy cartridge so those don't look perfect.

This is because you are not complying with pixel dimensions. Draw the cartridge and gameboy using the aspect ratio of the asset

I just made it look more clear and better looking in Photoshop.


Best content!


Thanks Mart, I appreciate! <3


I bought this pack some days ago, and I have to say, beatiful.  Also I want to ask a question similar to one I asked you in the previous pack comment section, how high is the probability of you doing a pack like this but with a Fantasy stile? Again fantastic pack, really fit the interior one


Hi Holy, thanks for your comment!
I would love to run a daily update fantasy asset. I don't wanna create false expectations, but stay tuned ;)

The news letter will notify me as soon as there is an update


looks great ! 

can't wait to see what's to come in updates !


Thanks nabrappy, I appreciate! <3


Broooo you're back! Buying this rn these look so dope!

Thanks Penguin!!! I'm back and full of energy for this new year!!!


Thank you so much. Your work is amazing as always.


Thanks Pixelettee, I appreciate a lot! <3


I want to see some cool houses and stores <333 thank you so much for your work 

You are welcome hexa, houses and stores are coming for sure ;)

(4 edits) (-3)

please add stuff like street middle mark to right and trees from behind,  sidewalk corner top right, dark lights on white fence, so it fits into the scene. It needs lots more.


It obviously needs more, it's a daily update asset started 3 days ago...


🎉 Really nice work as always!!


Thanks Eric, I appreciate! :)


Excellent! Looking forward to your work!


Thanks kinfox, you won't have to wait much! ;)

- Updates starting from tomorrow (27th!) -



Ahahahah I love these gifs!
Second round: start!

- Updates starting from tomorrow (27th!) -


I purchased your Modern Interiors a while ago, and I got so excited when I saw this. You do outstanding work. Merry Christmas, LimeZu.


Merry Christmas Blonguin, I'm glad you like my work so far! <3

- Updates starting from tomorrow (27th!) -

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