16th update: Big City Life 16/?

Wrist Update
unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.I've bought a cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!

update v2.7

"Big City Life" is the first update serie, with the aim to enhance and add variety to the general look of the asset
Every 5-10 updates I'll add a new mockup .gif
- Added a light tower with an electric generator (front and back view)
- Added an electric danger sign (2 shapes)
- Added the "Worker_Hat" accessory file to the new "Character_Generation_Addons" folder
- Designed the worker jacket
(I still have to complete its spritesheet cause it's the first character_generator shirt without the pants, so i have to redraw it on every single frame of each animation...pure madness I have to admit)

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v2.7.zip 7.1 MB
Jan 12, 2022

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Get well soon LimeZu - take all the time you need to recover properly.
Don't rush back and risk aggravating it again, take your time!


Thanks rIK! I'm gonna listen to all your good advices and love! I can't really wait to get back to my normal life, but I must avoid to hurt my wrist again!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


That's great to hear, just be careful not to start again a bit too early, you can aggravate it and be out for even longer.
Always best to wait a extra day or two than re-injure it and be out for another week! :)


take good care of yourself mate. 


Thanks bli, I won't ignore all your advices! <3

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Listen to everyone and don't worry, recover slowly at your own time. The switch to tablet and vertical mouse should hopefully help preserve your golden hands ;)

Thanks Areinu! I was really afraid of not daily updating the asset and I ignored my forearm and wrist need to rest, I feel really dumb now. I need to change my habits and my hobbies cause the thing I want more than ever is to keep working as a Game Artist. The vertical mouse is helping a lot, even if I won't be able to draw with it cause it's really imprecise compared to my classic mouse, but I'm gonna use whenever I can!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


I hope you're doing okay


Thanks for your care prof, I appreciate! It hasn't been a great period but it's almost over!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!

I'm glad you're doing better


Dont worry about us, take care of yourself ♥
We love u


Thanks Kamus, I appreciate a lot! I love you all too <3

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


:( I'm sorry to hear. Take your time to rest and recover. Take Care.


Thanks antikx, I appreciate! :)

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Even if we are all impatient, your health comes first !

(I use a stylus with my Surface for my photoshop creations, and you'll see that's great once you know how to use it ! Have fun :) )

Thanks Nico, I appreciate! <3

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Take your time to heal, I'm sure no sane person would complain that their $1.2 investment might take a few more days to pay off... Cheers!


ahahaahaha that makes soo much sense! Thanks gntrakas, I appreciate! :)

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Do not rush to get content out, just rest up and heal we all want to see you get better.

Without you I'll admit my project would of been a bust.

Thanks Spoofus, I'm amazed with the love spread in this devlog! <3

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Take your time, we will be there for you as you were for us <3

Thanks hexa, it feels so good to read such comments! <3

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Please take good care of yourself! <3 You deserve rest.


Thanks Oasis, I really appreciate you care! <3
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


Take your time and recover properly. Would rather you take care of yourself.


Thanks Munchmo, I really appreciate it!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!

Glad to hear things are improving but don't push yourself too much too quickly!


Amazing as always Limezu, your the best. We would prefer you were well and we had to wait for more art. Your health is more important than anything else. 

When your back I have my fingers crossed for some custom building pieces like the interior had with room_builder files. Either way, rest easy and thanks for everything :)

ps, Love the work lights and digger. Just what I needed for empty plots in my town generator haha <3


Thanks for the comment and the care Ghost! <3
I'm thinking about a cool way to implement a lot of buildings, I want them to be the most modular possible! Buildings themselves will surely cover 30+ updates!
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


damn dude,

Well you keep that wrist rested. One of the most valuable things on itch is your wrist haha. glad to hear you have found a way to protect yourself in the future. 
get better soon and can’t wait until the next update 😁


ahahaha that made me smile!
Ye I've totally learnt the lesson! I need to get better with my wrist and forearm care cause my artist career is far from being over!!!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Looks amazing! I hope you feel better. If you haven't tried a vertical mouse, you might try it out. It has helped my wrists some.

Thanks for the advice hana, hope it'll help my wrist too!
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


That generator and lights kicks! ;O You're the best!

Thanks TLiaD, I appreciate!


Wrist pain? Those textfiles are relentless!


Indeed dejaime, the textfiles are harming me
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


Oh, sad (and glad) to read! I also had some tendon inflammation in the past (not severe by any means), and they can hurt. That turned me into a fellow vertical mouse user, I can tell you I'm never going back!

What mouse and tablet did you get? My wife is also an artist and I got her a Kamva Pro GT156 V3; she loves that thing. (if you are curious)

Make sure to take your time to properly recover! Also, about time to get that left arm practice!


Your wife is a great artist, congrats!
I've bought an XP-Pen Artist 22EPro, but I found myself struggling too much with the lack of configurable keys (even if this one has 16 of them). The vertical mouse is a standard one, I'm actually using it for when I'm not drawing and it's helping me a lot! The plan is to use my previous mouse only when I have to draw and animate, then I'm gonna switch to the vertical for anything else! 

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!


Have a rest Lime! Health is first <3 
PS. These updates look cooler and cooler :D


Thanks Aidas, I can't wait to start drawing again, I feel so bad that I just made 16 daily updates...
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


Sad to hear that the wrist situation is so severe :( We all hope you'll get well soon!

 Don't worry about the updates, there will be plenty of time to create more amazing artworks. With all the packs and daily updates you have already given us so much material to work with!  

 Maybe in the future after the inflammation calms down you could try doing some stretching and massages. Maybe those could help you relax the muscles and tendons. And in the mean time, get some rest and use the time for things you like!


Thanks for the care Aidas, I really appreciate it! After reading your reply I've started doing arm, wrist and forearm stretchings every morning, they are surely helping me to recover and I won't stop doing them!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!

Amazing news! I'm so glad I could help! Don't forget to give your fingers, wrists, arms, shoulders small rests (a few minutes)  while working for longer times! 

Best of luck!


Take your time and heal!

Thanks bli, I really appreciate the care!
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


Definitely take care of your wrist!  Carpel Tunnel is no joke.  Because I watch what my mom goes through I use a brace every time my wrist even feels slightly sore and I believe it's the only reason I haven't gotten it myself.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the care Sharm, I really appreciate it! The sad part is that I use a brace every time I draw with my mouse, but after I worked for Riot Games (8-10 hours 7/7) my wrist isn't the same anymore. 
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


Gosh, that's awful!  I'm glad that you're recovering a bit and have some good solution ideas.  It's funny, it doesn't seem like clicking would have anything to do with a wrist, but it can be more painful than movement.  If the vertical mouse or tablet doesn't work for you since you'll still be clicking, you could also try using a mouse with your other hand.  Windows has mouse settings that let you switch the buttons around.  I'll sometimes do that if my right is bothering me, but I'm cross dominant (which hand I use depends on the situation) so maybe I have an easier time with it than someone who is actually right handed.  I also have sewn bag filled with feed corn that I keep in the freezer and I can use as a wrist rest when it needs a little extra soothing.  Rice also works for that, and it's all straight lines so it's pretty easy to sew.

Thanks for the suggestions Sharm! I'm actually using the vertical mouse for everything but drawing and I have to admit that it actually works, my hand is way less stressed after using it! Unfortunately the drawing tablet wasn't for me, I've tried it for a couple of days but I use too many shortcuts while I draw and it can't be done with a tablet, even if I bought a good one with 16 configurable keys!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!

That's great that it's working out!  Vertical mice sound pretty cool, I might have to give one a try myself.  You don't need to rush, take the time you need even if it means thinking you're ready to come back, giving it a try, and realizing you actually have to leave again.  Your health is #1 priority here, so do whatever it takes to be well and don't feel pressured.


Nice bulldozer!

Thanks Zheteng, I appreciate! :)


Again looks amazing! take the whole week or 2 if you need, your health comes first!

Thanks Last, I want to draw so bad, it's like my life have lost a big part of its meaning, but I can't rush the care or my wrist won't last much 
Wrist Update: unfortunately my wrist is in a bad shape, I went to the doctor and he said I have a pretty severe tendons inflammation due to the excessive use of the mouse. I'm completely resting the right arm right now and it's getting a little better each day.
I've bought a  cool drawing tablet with a screen and a vertical mouse that are coming this Wednesday! The plan is to use the vertical mouse (so I can draw something without irritating my arm) while I'm learning to use the drawing tablet that will completely replace the mouse for drawing!


your health comes first! Happy to hear you got something that should be helping your wrist in the future!

I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!

awesome!! My fiance deals with chronic pain and sometimes it's just best to take a long break, all your followers will still be here when you post an update!

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