91th update: Metropolis 10/?

I'm back guys, thanks for your patience!
My summer vacations are over now eheheh let's build more city stuff and get prepared for the Spooky Month!

update v11.5

The "Metropolis" update serie will include tons of new buildings and elements for your city,  with the goal to supply a complete and realistic city tileset    

- Added The "Hotel" sign you can place on the roof!
- Added a 14 frames loopable animation for the door
- Added an hotel luggage trolley (empty and not)

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Exteriors_v11.5.zip 35 MB
Sep 15, 2022

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welcome back!!! very cool hotel 👀 

will you do modular walls, rooftops and such during this series? could be good for nondescript buildings  (and rooftop moonlighting) 

Those were pretty fast holidays


Hope your vacation went well and happy to have you back!


Thanks Legendary! I had a great time on vacation <3


Let's put a chair on the roof! Maybe also a small table with a couple glasses... a radio on the table... and a sniper rifle, ofc.


The sniper rifle is essential indeed


Any plans for a side-mounted, vertical sign like this? 


Thanks for the prompt Craig, I've added it today! here


Fantastic work as always


Welcome back LimeZu and such a lovely gift <3

Thanks Ghost! <3



Thanks antikx! <3


Welcome back! Love the hotel!

Thanks Last! <3


Welcome back man! 8-)

Thanks pygnosis! <3