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Hey I like your asset can you add arcade pleasee, many thanks


uhh nice one, adding it to the list! <3

Hi, just bought the pack wow the art is so charming.

Thanks a bunch xearox <3


Please add more animals, Many thanks


Animals coming today in Modern Farm! <3

Any update on how well this tileset works with rpg maker mz?


Hi, just bought the pack. Really awesome! I am looking for the child characters and those characters shown on the school gifs here on the site and cant seem to find them. Can you point me to the right folder? Thanks!

Hey fjonan all the characters are from Modern InteriorsModern Interiors!


Love the pack. One thing that I feel is missing is a bicycle, perhaps one that fits with an existing character sprite frame to look like they're sitting. Unless I'm dumb and just missing it. Still a massive asset pack.


Thanks Saito! I'm gonna add bicycle and riding animation in the future, I just need to have time to implement that animation with all the character pieces (outfits, accessories etc.)

When's the RPG maker set getting updated? Will it come with the next major update?


Any plans to add winter versions??

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For the RPG maker version can you please please have an update that organizes them for easy importing the way you have with the interiors set?

Btw how do I achieve the symmetrical bay window apartment in the screenshot? I got it mostly set up, but there's a single piece on the right side roof that I can't figure out how to connect. 

For future content, can I suggest more suburban and industrial?


Can you put up a godot example? Not sure how to compose the tileset


Hi, i bought this awesome pack to use it on my RPG Maker MZ project, but i'm encounting some difficoulties, is there a guide or something like it that i can read to set up those tiles to make a full tileset (to build the city with the RPG Maker map creating system) 


Please add more animals and motocycle, I love this package

Hello, I really appreciate this package of your assets, and others. I wonder if I want a dungeon type asset pack (tileset, character, enemy, trap...) in this drawing style of yours, how should I contact? and how much will a package like my request cost?. Thank

Hi, Limezu. Thank you for awesome and accessible asset packs. This is a road I made for my game. Love it.

Looks lovely, Please tell me about your game.


Hi, LimeZu

Is there any chance that we might see some industrial buildings & related assets in the future?

In any case, thank you for all of your hard work on this!


Please adapt interiors and exteriors for rpg maker mz, at the moment tilesets are not usable.

You deserve to know that you're highly appreciated and such a talented artist. Thank you for sharing your talent!


Incredible assortment of sprites. So much here.

You and Kenney are legit inspirations, I want to be prolific like you are but in a different category of assets, less sprites/pixel art and more like realistic 3d and texture art.

 Not my niche, I do 3d stuff, but you are excellent in your category. I can see it, it's obvious. 

Great job 👏 

Matt H,

Hi! I've just bought your pack, they're amazing! By any chance can you make some dilapidated version of the city buildings? That would be even greater!


Hi! I've just purchased the pack, it's amazing, thank you. I miss the animated completed assets for the other cars. Right now there's only for the classic car. Are you going to update the pack with complete assets for the other cars?


To be more specific, I'm talking about the steering animation. From up to left, right to down etc...

Thanks Mega! <3 Yeah the new cars currently don't have the steering animation cause from the community feedback I understood it was hard to implement for many, but I'll take that into account since I honestly think that'd be cool ahahah

yeah, it's a bit difficult to implement, so that I would do only in a later phase of development I am looking to build a city demo with cars all around the map.


We love your designs!


Thanks a lot pimpy <3


Just like AyUpItsAli, I'm noticing there are no Godot autotile sheets for the 16x16 variants.

It's not a massive deal because I can just scale the 32x ones down and use them that way, but I just wanted to point out it's still an issue!

Thanks for letting me know, it's getting fixed in the next asset version <2


This is something unbelievable. Very good and elaborate assets that I will definitely use in my future projects. I really appreciate your efforts!

Thanks a lot Samuel <33


I really appreciate the wonderful, useful, and affordable tileset you've created! I was wondering if you might consider adding some winter scenes in your future updates? Thank you once again for your amazing work!

Thanks a lot vicoo <3 winter stuff is planned but can't really tell when it will be made tho



Really very nice assets! Thanks a lot making so much material available at this price. ♥️

I am wondering if there is any plan to add more animal sprites such as cat, dog, cow, chicken, etc.. ? 

Thanks a lot Jean! All the farm animals will be inlcuded in my upcoming Modern Farm asset pack, you can follow its development on Patreon


Here is my most recent update - players will now be able to place and destroy objects.  Currently, it's only boxes and trash cans, but I want to eventually add more of the various props that you've created:

Really digging it,  keep it up! Having the chance to place and remove hundreds of object would be huge <3


Looks great but please use Tiled


Is there a 16x16 version of the Godot autotiles? There doesn't appear to be any in Autotiles_16x16, only in Autotiles_32x32 and Autotiles_48x48.

Sorry for this, It's getting fixed! <3


Hi, I just bought the asset but many of the tilesets don't look right on RPG Maker MZ... the animations also look right...

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, could you build more buildings, for example pharmacies, banks, construction stores, bars, etc.


LimeZu I need you to answer this urgently. A few days ago I found the vault sprite but I can't find it anymore. I don't remember which pack it was but I need it. Can you please tell me the pack and the folder it is in?

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Looks amazing. I just purchased it and I'm looking forward to using it.

I was a bit disappointed that none of the trucks turn like the cars though. Is this something you can add? Maybe for the post truck to begin with? :)

edit: happy to pay extra :-)

Absolutely amazing work here. By chance, is there any plans to do a mini-golf themed expansion? It could include props and stuff that you would see at mini golf courses? Or is this something I could privately commission?

Hi, I am planning to buy 4 bundle of your asset, but wondering if there will be discount or some promption activity within the next month that i should wait. If not, I will purchase right now.

Oh, I see it is in sale right now!!! Just bought them!!! Happy!!!

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Hello! Can you please consider adding a beachside port, if possible?


Hi! Just bought your modern interiors and your modern exteriors...this is awesome! Such a complete pack, I love it! If possible, would you consider adding a film or TV studio to the exterior tiles? As the interior tiles had a tv/film studio and these tiles are really hard to find anywhere else :( if not it's okay love your stuff!!!

Hi LimeZu, your asset is awesome. I would like to suggest some asset theme if you are in need of inspiration. For moment in game like entering final boss area, I think an animated tile like "light glowing under crack of terrain" could be good. This vfx effect can be placed above all exiting terrain tile in your asset. Thanks.

I made enough progress in my generation code to utilize more of your building and structure assets.  The world is starting to feel more immersive, so I appreciate all the work you do.  I'm also exciting about your current updates on the props, because I'm looking to fill the streets with them.

In this devlog, I started adding in more structures and props, making the world appear more believable:

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ce n'est pas utilisable avec tiled ?


Just a suggestion, maybe some snow themed additions would be good. For example a snow clothing, snow terrain, snow covered trees, cabins, maybe skiing, ski lifts. Overall this asset is amazing!

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