306th update: Museum 5/?

update v31.7

- Let's start this new theme, that will feature many different museum types!
- Today's is pretty small cause I was short on time


- Added the vertical version of the ticket turnstile and its open animation
- Added a wooden bench and an hanging ancient pot expositor
- Added 2 ancient pots to display on the hanging expositor

  *Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Interiors_v31.7.zip 56 MB
Jun 16, 2021

Get Modern interiors - RPG Tileset [16X16]

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how do you make the animated gifs? do you use aseprite, tiled, etc.

I use Aseprite ;)



Those turnstiles are perfect and they look great! Also, yay for more museum types! If you're planning on some art museum tiles, it would be cool to have some empty fancy frames. Another fun addition could be a broken glass display to indicate a stolen museum piece. :D



Great idea Oasis, I'm gonna implement them!