346th update: Character Generator Evolution 6/?

update v35.8

 The time to give the Character Generator a boost has come: the old missing animations, brand-new animations and options will be added in the next few days! Firstly I'll design all the new animations and add them to the "body" files, then I'm gonna update all the "hairstyles", "outfits" etc. files   
- Added the old "Read a book" animation to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"
- Added another old "Sit" animation to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"
- Added the old 4-dir "Push the Shopping cart" animation (divided into body and cart) to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"
- Added the new 4-dir "Lift" and "Throw" animations to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"
- Added the new 4-dir "Stab" animation (divided into body and knife) to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"
- Added the new 4-dir "Gun idle", "Shoot", "Grab the gun" and "Put away the gun" animations to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"
- Added the new 4-dir "Hurt" animation to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"
- Added the new 4-dir "Gift" animation to all the "body" files of the "Character_Generator"


*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)

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Wow. Great work as always LimeZu.

Thanks Eric, I appreciate :)


this is awesome!!!! this'll make movement and actions so dynamic. keep up the awesome work limezu :D

Thanks JOMMA, I appreciate! :D


The new animations looks awesome, will they be added to the actual player sheets later or only to the Character_Generator ? 

Hi MrSnK, they won't be added to the old character sheets cause you can create them in a snap now, so it would be unnecessary ;)


Ok, thanks for the fast reply


This is looking very good! Thanks for dividing cart push animation into cart and human, this will potentially allow characters to push other things in the future... and it will be much easier (at least for me) to work with.

Also it's great that you choose the sitting animation that was normal width, those double width animations were clunky to use  :x

It's really interesting that about 100 of daily updates will be related to character generator ;D

But now before you stands really monumental task of adding so many animations to so many pieces. Character generator really should be it's own pack at this point, charge us separately @_@

ye I had to replace the sitting animations cause they were too wide and from many feedbacks I got that it wasn't good ahaha. Then I'm gonna also modify the chairs/tables the sitting animations are meant to be used with.

It's monumental indeed, today I started with the hairstyles and  I felt a bit anxious in front of all these little naked bodies, I may have exaggerated this time ahahah For the money side, it's too late now t-t the Generator was born here and gonna stay here (*sigh*)

(1 edit) (+5)

You complete me LimeZu <3 

Amazing work, Once you release the outdoor pack my game will have every asset i needed from this one Creator. Thankyou so much :)


Thanks Ghost, I really appreciate your feedback! <3