375th update: Music & Sport REVAMP 2/?

update v38.7

The last month of updates will feature 2 revamps and some new stuff, get ready!
- Revamped the kid pianola (2 colors) and added a version on a stand (2 colors)
- Revamped the amplifiers (2 sizes) and adde an animation to it (2 sizes)
- Revamped the drums (3 colors)

*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Interiors_v38.7.zip 131 MB
Aug 26, 2021

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Love the bass on those speakers!

Thanks Oasis! :)


That weird feeling when you see a gif that should have sound

ahahah you are right dejaime!



Ahahaha thanks TheLast, that music theme was 1 year old ehehe