394th update: Ice-Cream Shop 2/?

update v40.6

- 6
I'm not gonna start any big theme but only little ones that can be completed in 4-5 days!
- Added a modular ice-cream shop counter with a couple of variations
- Added an heart-shaped hanging ice-cream decoration (2 types per side)
- Added an ice-cream shop sign and a doormat (3 colors)
- Added an ice-cream themed table and a white chair (both sides + a couple of sets)
that's compatible with the second "Sit" animation of the "Character_Generator"


*Everyone who already bought the asset can get the new stuff for free

See you and happy game-making! :)


Modern_Interiors_v40.6.zip 135 MB
Sep 15, 2021

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6 to go, dope work as always! Please a shooting range pls pls pls pls pls :) 

Thanks Penguin! The shooting range will start tomorrow ;) have you any real photo reference you would like to send me?


5 to go, and then 400!, log n, squared, stuff!
I'm so good at maths!

I believe you, that was an hard calculation